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Show . 1 A Note From. Mr, Sullivan By Ring W. Lardner. Edna Is 'All. a?Flutter Chi, Pec. 7- DiO.Mv Mr. Sullivan Your note came today and believe me I was glad to get it as 1 thought ymi had just put me down in your mind as a little f I and weie no; going to "lower" ourself to answer it. Well. Mr. Sullivan, I mut hay thai yrui are '"brief and to the point." 'f course I want to meet you. but- I don't !;:iou- if I have the courage to met su'h a "caveman" lace to face, .lukint- aide. t think it's wonderful of B -MM ou to a Mi me lo lunch and 1 will be r.cUled lo death" to accept. Pl.KAXK U'-n'i ;hink 1 am tin- kind of ::nl that are so "t u miliar" with poruvt. m i-.i iin-i After t h.fl writ en oii thai note. I nearly died to think of what i had dnr.e and wend er-d how I ever bad the courage to do such a thliiK-Weil. thliiK-Weil. Air. Suiiivau, if was a "nervy" I h i i k t" do an I it still makes ine shiver to tlunk that f did f:. V:-k.,ps I wo'jid belter ep:aiu that I an ju.-t an impetuous impetu-ous little tbini; that always act.- on 'm-p:ise 'm-p:ise and I aMire you that had i though tiiitu-s over ii..iiv laieliniv. 1 ;.-v .-r w Mi'd of bad The 'V tv." to - r-'icn -o l. l;ui 1 am -Xiao'- now tha. I did. There: th. i be;' e:; ihm I a,'i a t;ie" "n" hv. 'ml s-a;'!ai I ir c ;1 : . . . i -: t wi'it but m : - C;a- i - "taken" with you when I saw you that day on the football field. 1 o you know something? When the postman came in today and laid your letter let-ter on my desk, though 1 nad never seen your hand-writing before, 1 said to myself: my-self: "That's a letter from Mr. Sullivan," Sulli-van," and my fingers actually shook as I opened it. I suppose you will think 1 t a m an "it" for making such a eonfes-1 eonfes-1 sion. but as I say I always act on impulse im-pulse and whatever comes into my head, I say It right out without thinking. Q O you see, Mr. Sullivan, that you arc "faking a chRnce" In asking a person per-son like me to lunch as I may tell you i right to your face what T think of you j whether It's good or bad. Hut I guess j you are not "afraid" as I will wager you have had lots or" girls tell you already I n hat they thought of you and none of j them said unflattering .thing.-. 1 ttK We!', Air. Sullivan. I will be wailing j for that telepbonp call aod I don't know , wl ether I w:ll be pleased or frightened I when ;t comes so guess you would ' Ifr'er try me and pee. In the n;e,n time 1 ' f you have not-lvng else do. droo n .e : auot hf r note only you (bu.' t iiav,- i c oak'1 i ! s ' sborf a 1 nf-'iie you I v ii i d rv.:!fv of i : ;-; i :-j read a iot-.g oi:,-, l ; i.My if It------ L'.ut 1 gue? I v.oird I C! 'V. H. ,'.iKi.i. |