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Show THE FRANKUN SEDKR - OFFERS THE UTMOST IN 1 MOTORING SATISFACTION Maximum comfort and service, at minimum $ "L" cost and trouble that briefly is what constitutes motoring satisfaction. And such satisfaction is the product of certain j, definite principles of construction that are found in larger measure in the Franklin Sedan than in Qtir. any other fine enclosed car. 3" S These principles are Light Weight, Simplicity y and Flexibility. Through them the Franklin Sedan is enabled to deliver consistently k 18 to 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline instead of the usual 8. ' 10,000 miles to the set of tires instead r of the usual 5,000. W$k And with this remarkable efficiency comes also !; fA an ease of handling and a degree of riding comfort unknown in the heavy, rigid enclosed car. Over tvPl a" roa(ls' e Franklin Sedan rides as smoothly and ;pm safely as a touring car. 1 Motoring annoyances, too, are reduced to the . V - lowest point. Franklin Direct Air Cooling elim- j inates at once the many worries so common to the I water-cooled car, and offers instead a system with which there is nothing to freeze, heat up, or get I ( out of order. 1 See these features in the car itself. Its distinc- tive design and artistic appointments emphasize its fineness. May we bring it to your door? , . Franklin Motor Car Co. of Utah C. W. NEWTON LJU"- Salt Lake City. 751 E. South Temple. Was. 6Jbi. JPzt&i - ' . JVS91 04 .mi . IIME-Ml" GOOGH SYRUP Helps Whole Family, Quickly. Woman's Interesting Letter. Mrs. M. M. Van Wart, Lents, Ore, writes: " L feci it n duty to write you. Four 'yours ao my husband linj a bad cough and found no relief from any eouli j medicines lie tried. Initially trlcl your i Jlentlio-I.axeuo and made ' it up as a J cMie;ii syrup and it quitdtly cured him. I N'ow, ti'i is last iv inter, my two boys I had fearful coughs a ltd it has en red 1 he in. It also jjve.s tno j,rreat relief I from asllitna, from wliieh I suffer in j winter time, as yen know here wo have lit so rainv, instead Of snow, as back joust, etc. " This eoneentrated esfom-o. called Ment.lio-Lfixeiie. is sold by dnifists in "J'j ounee Imtlles. "ou mix it at home with syrup, mak in.u ' a whole bint very eheaplv, as per direetions with eaen bottle' (Advertisement.) -.- rniKicrrnrzJ If '( ' Jf ) i paraam 1 ' ' ' .MmrtA-- . If : v ( -rj '"'r---- ' ; -.1. j !i ; I We Suggest j , I - Beautiful Furniture , I I for Christmas Gifts 1 1 I I , ' !: j II A r-oiii f oil ;i )I , rorimy, push-button chiiir, u oft. nuliiint lamp, your favorite :j : inaj-'aino with plenty of other-books and magazines m-ar by on tho lontf j' ' i Davenport (able and yon have a toueh of home real home. Tin: Koyal , j ; I I'nsli-liutton Chaii'. jiietuivd above, is a (.-real t-'il't for the chap who wants jj ''t 11 tn read, or rest, or even doze, if In- cares to. at the end of the day. The I pi . Tj j ! Pavcnporl talile is of the finest maho-any and will make a charming, dig- i S' ' nified adifilion to any living room. I i; j 'i I 3 j lj' j Ve carry a line of fine furnishings that is unsurpassed. It includes ex- jl jjj; ;Tj ipiisite ruu's in oriental jiatterns, suites and odd pices of furniture, in such j '; J! . pci-iod desiu'US as I Icpplewhite, Sheraton, William and Mary, and Queui ,i ,. j Anne. fifty beautiful dining room suites, values from $:j.j(J.0U to $7(3.00 j ; j ' j are anion- the offerings. Cull an-1 let is show you tho quality of our j ' ! ; furnishings. I ,1 ! j Vou will find it wi-11 worth while to run over the accompanying list ' ; ; ! I of Christmas presents: ? 1 j p i ii, 1 Lamp, Gate Leg Tables TOE THE KIDDIES- I; , - p : ' . . , Velocipeaes Autos 1 S i !'! i i Spinet Desks Davenport Tables wagons DoU Go-Carts II , ifli ii Ladies' Desks Royal Push Button Chairs Sleds Chairs 'i I 1 i . . j :j! j jjurjggjzx - - - - " " " " 11 "j' J Stomach Trouble and Constipation. ' ' j Those who are afflicted with stomach -trouble and constipation should read the ! following: "I have never found anything j so good for stomach trouble and" con-I con-I stipation as Chamberlain's Tablets. I have used them off and on now for the past two years. They not only reg-u!a:-1 the action of the bowels, but stimulate j the liver and keep one s body in a hea -! thy condition," writes Mrs. Benjamin I Hooper, Auburn, X. Y. For sale by all dealers. ( Ad verti semen t. ,V;.v'.!N Great Britain's f f ": leading states- ' A man and peace representative -;-P -j I A tiy Primp Minister Lloyd Goovgo. who was largely responsible for the marvelously successful organization of tlrcat Britain's wartime activities, will apply his exceptional excep-tional statesmanship and common sense to the solution of the problems of peace and reconstruction. Likewise, the Federal lieserve System, which is founded on common sense principles, prin-ciples, and which has aided materially in solving the financial problems of the Avar, will be similarly potent in stimulating and supporting the business activities of the after-the-war period. The Continental National Lank shares in the strength and ! also in the sound financial policy of the Federal Leserve System. or sajiT lake cm: .1. I--.. C-OPiTHIKK. President W. W. TltlMMKll. C-ihior T. W. liutEH, Vke-l'rcskUnt J. 11. UKl'T, Asst. Caslucr |