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Show ! TEMPLE WDffi IS j CALLED SK DEATi! Paralysis Fatal to Harvey Henry ClufF, Who Came Here in 1S50. j I ITr.rvpv Harris rlut. S'i yrnrs of ;jlt : tor tin" vcars a rv-id-Mit. of Utah, Hivd j -if i'f-I;iv niorniii.ir His i-o?ic,u',o, Hi"; i':-vt;:l avenue. Tho bo fly was taken j . j niht to Provn. his old home, where j ! j'ui'vai s'rvi.-e? will be held Friday a ft- ; ' j frpoon at :.nn o'olork in the I'rovo ; M;iko tP.bprDaelo. I Mr. ('luff was bcru .latmary " IS-.' in KirtliMiJ. O.. and raiae to Vtuh in ; lv"li with his parents, soMin in Provo, ', whifh whs bi home iniiil a year and ' a half a sin, when h-1 moved t o ialt Lake to e-pend all of hi? time in temjife work. r'rnra bovhood Mr. ClufC wn. religiously relig-iously inrlinod. and ho spent twrnty-fi twrnty-fi ve years of his life in the misinu f iHd for the Mormon ehureh. In bo was tde-'ted city councilman of Provo j : and served two Trm?. In l'iO ho and hi? brothers built 'luff hall, one of no latifimarks of Provo lor many year:-. For tv.-en r y years he -was e n n n e v 1 1 ' d with Briuham You he- university and 1 va s it? first treasurer. He was one of the pioneers in tho sett lemon t of 1 To?epa, Tooele count v, but in 1001 was released from his duties there on a'-i a'-i fount of failing: health. For the hist fifteen years he has devoted virtually all of his time to re iiou? work, the last year and a half in the Salt Lake temple, and in spite of ill health -ou-! tinned hi? labors until last Sunday m or nine, when he was stricken by paralv?is. j. Mr. Cluff is survived by his widow, F'.nilv O. ('luff, and nine children: Mr-. Idrda E. J. Leedom of Odell. Ore.; Mrs. Hara J. Rvan, Salt Lake Citv; i Afrs. Lillv Alexander, dr.. Provo; ,: "Ephraim T. "Cluff. Pavson: T.ehi Ksr- err?en Huff. Srt- Lnko Citv; Mrs. i Iw T. Harding. Salt Lakp Citv; Jov K. i Huff. Pavson: K-'cncth H. Cluff. Salt !' Lake Citv. and Miss Lydia L. Chut. Salt Lake City. There are six cr:in.l-i cr:in.l-i i-iiildren. also six brothers: Samuel S.. j 1-vnini, Henrv K. and Jerry of Provo: i1 Alfred A. and Orson of Arizona, and I there are about 01 0 relatives. HA It V B Y HARRIS I CLUFF,' pioneer resident ! of Utah and prominent churchman, who died yestcr- 1 IT: -ii ' ,ni I , "1 I ;: ... . ... ' -; : : : j :.. j i h If i : x n, ts x, 1 f'SSj |