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Show ' EVA TANGUAY BTUFF. NO PLACE LIKE HOME. I care not if It rains or snows today. Nor if the skies be lowering and darit, Tor I shall wend my happy, careless way To Harry Hempstead's well known baseball park. I hope that sunshine fill3 the April air And all the world will reek with tropic balm. But even if it doesn't, I don't care My soul will still be satisfied and - caim. Shine on, O Sun! or blow ye blizzards bleak! And chill me from my footwear to my hat. The folks at home are cleaning house this week, And nothing else is half as bad as that. MOTTO. THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY ARE (LEANING HOUSE. lof Tinker, we roaH, dries not claim a pr-nnant tbis year. Joe always was an original cijsf.. Jack Twin Sullivan Is fighting again. Another indisputable proof that the dead return. v Ther' arc two patimf? more exr-it.-ine th;jn a si:-r;iy roller race. One of tlicni i- n t w-nry.four-hnirr lKHvlint,' niat.-ti. V.'c have forgotten the ot.her one. THE OUTFIELDER. They cheorcd him for the catch that he had made. It wa a stunt most wondorfully played. But as he bowed his head and raised his cap There w.ib no sign of joy on his map. He raised his cap and ambled to his neat, And whispered words I cannot well repeat, re-peat, "If I bad chanced to miss that fly," he said, "They would bo throwing bottles at my head." Carl Morris, bis press scent writes, once more hobs up ait a contender for the lieavyveifht. r hamolonship. !h tho proas aent, tryln,'; to kid tho public? X" cri lid.-i' :irl Morri r Mie ! ii ii ri. i 'n while lK'HVVweiglit, (if Siipul :,. OI:l;i. ! ' ".'I l; Si;l," .i-J lisirry Hon mann, looking over the gat receipts, "is that every day is not opening clay." Wally Plpp, we are told, covers mora ground than any man In the Yankee Infield. In-field. AH be nan to do is to spread his lega. WAR. "Do you think Vnrdun will fail?" we asked. "T don't know anything about Vnrdun," Vnr-dun," h said, "bnt if it falls any hardnr thfin Philadelphia, fell last vcjir it will he fiOMK fall. What- lnauo is Wrdun in ? ' " But whnt about the Turks?" "Don't worry about lhrm hoys. They ulwfiyfi make good. There's Larry Dnyle nnd r:harley Dooin, and Ed din Collins and John Collins, and Wt.nffv Me-Inne Me-Inne and Johnny Everp, o ad Jimmy A rcher and Koger Bresnnhan, nnd George Mefndn and Bill Cnrricrm, nnd John Mcfirnw and T'nnnie Muck, and a million more. The Turks always make good. ' ' "But how do yon think the war will end 7 ' ' " Thf war," hp replied scorn fully. " Don 't you rend the newnpfi pers? There ain't no more war. The Federal lofJK"P is out of business. " ' "Father," a?ked the bnebnll mntf nate's little ton. "what is the population popula-tion of the United Ptfitej,?' "T linve no Mati'-tirs handy, mv son.'' he replied, ''hut if eer- man who ha linked me for h se.-ison ticket this spring lis a cit ien of the TTn ih'd Si at-vs, t lie ! nnpuhitinn inu-.t be ut li-nst, 1,000,000,-I 1,000,000,-I ufiOiOO. ' ' , A -Rood man-' of onr mllen students arc indnU-Jm in mninc; foot ball prar.- Hff. whowinii how eauy It. 1 to bo i ' 'linked. j |