Show IN EARLY HISTORY OF MODERN PiO DERN WORLD all continents united Is theory the pacific ocean resembles a great pond while the atlantic ocean resembles a great river this Is one of the interesting pieces of evidence brought forward to support the lie hypothesis the theory that all the continents were once united into a single continent c onti nent dr barlow shapley famous harvard astronomer has suggested sinking a three mile shaft into the earth as a means of testing the Vve gerier hypothesis h 0 thesis the evidence for the theory Is summed hummed up by edwin tenny brewster in hla his interesting book th this this puzzling planet contrast the atlantic ocean with the pacific he writes there are marked and curious differences between I 1 the two though these are a good deal obscured by our ordinary maps and are best to be looked for on a the pacific Is a round basin a sort of gigantic pond but the atlantic ti Is a sort of gigantic river that winds from the top of the earth to the bottom always of about the same width in fact brewster Crew ster continues if one went by the shape of the coast on the two sides of the atlantic one might well say that south america has cro crocked eked off from africa the east eastern rn extension of brazil once occupying the gulf of guinea the western end of the sahara belonging to the ca caribbean r region greenland jammed up against the west coast of norway and newfoundland one of the british isles it if one c could 0 uld push the two am amerl erl ca cas s eastward and a little north so an that greenland lay against canada on one side and norway on the other with newfoundland and the british isles II 11 s p pushed u I 1 e d into the tha north sea the fit would ld b be e surprising there really Is not a little reason for thinking that the uniform width of the atlantic and the remarkable fit between its two sides Is something more than accident there Is a good deal of evidence to show that during most of geologic time and up to what for a geologist Is rather a recent date north and south america actually were parts of europe asia africa but cracked loose ant and floated oft ft 0 the horse and the elephant are two good exam examples which support the theory of land bridges or an original united continent david dietz comments in the new york world telegram fossil remains of the horse are found in certain rock layers slightly older in europe the fossil elephant appears first in africa and later in north america brewster believes the evidence ts Is better for the hypothesis the coal points very much to this theory he writes the coal of pennsylvania new england and nova nora scotia Is of the same age as that of the file british isles france germany and spain and Is altogether very like it moreover throughout these two cold coal districts through the entire length of the appalachian mountains on our side of the ocean and in scandinavia on the other the mountain ridges run northeast and southwest as if they were all parts of the haq same system and in various ways the rocks match surprisingly |