Show what in modern sports wear by CHERIE NICHOLAS V R X w 4 4 pie A ww 4 X pant PV Nt OF F COURSE you are riding yachting golfing tennis playing and so on and alid so forth these days every woman who claims to be modern Is going I 1 in a for these things as time goes on with increasing enthusiasm thusia sm take a style census at any classy resort or country club gathering and you will find that the alie majority of 0 those present are costumed in voguish cottons this summer there never has been a more attractive array of oc fetch I 1 ing ng cottons in sight light as are sporting in the great outdoors those these days As f for r In the handsome piques I 1 which alch in either wide or shallow wale wala are immensely popular and tho the rough washable crepes cerepes and the new diagonals and ginghams galore and seer sucker striped in blue or in red and white while the smartly new la lacy cy mesh weaves have so completely up cap aured th ohp heart of the fashionable fashion ible world we are arc dressing frow from top to toe la in them even cien to the berets the gloves the hosiery we ire wear and the handbags bundling we carry theres no mistake about it the set has been entirely ent liely won over t to 0 the iden idea of wearing cottons and whits more they lire are doing it formally as well nell as inform informally illy for that matter a gay ganv gingham party dress roaches reaches the alie very pinnacle of the mode however this story Is intend oil ed to tell about cottons as they lour flour ish in the realm of sports and there Is some exceedingly interesting news to impart in this connection for in stance the fact tint that the up to date equestrienne Is hearing the loud and persistent call from the cot cotton field as it echoes throughout all Is real news riding hiding habit makers are laying great stress on a new durene material which closely resembles the very line fine ribbed fabrics we used to see in the smartest english riding clothes the durene cord ribbed habit shown in the picture Is styled with breeches or according to preference sleeveless jackets such as tops this suit are quite the tiling thing this summer the pert little hat bat Is made of the same durene material which ft hid Is equally chic in dirty white sand egyptian white or brown with the first three black boots are good style stile S ship hit a hoy for sum summer nier 1032 1932 Is what the worn by the seafaring lady standing to the left in the pie pic turf ture nt once suggests one can really be ever eer so nautical to all appearance appearance in these durene mesh pajamas and never leave the beach they have their own anchor ripp liqued as you see sec matched in color to the buttons which fasten a veritable first ofil officers cers double breasted jacket the new shorter trouser troi iser length here advocated makes it possible to stroll along aloria the sand without stumbling as a contrast to last years versions seated in the foreground we see miss 1032 ft wearing caring the new durene me mesh li apron pajamas designed for sun baths and beach wear in general these pajamas have hae one leg and the rest of the drapery behaves like a bungalow lun salow apron tying at the ibo hick back tf if neck and aalst it may be donned on the beadi beach over oer the bathing suit M 0 1032 western ne N New Boarer e union |