Show 1 11 KOO mf ra ILY m ha 0 11 4 wm it leevil m I 1 m tj seventy five ot at L 11 II redd hedd st si who came with ath tile the fit fiot fi ot set 1 ii i i to sin san juan jinn county g gathered sunday ii iday toi tat P fa family nil reunion it at devil del canyon i ion A V program consisting of talks tall s by T monroa redd sr si wayne II 11 redd ind nd clips chas redl nedd a reading leadin by mrs mis A T redd community singing and a 1 it anti inti l nut oil it bv tile the redds from la sil sal under the direction of mrs leland redd was greatly en enjoyer joyel n bring th alip afternoon a bounteous lunch was vas served |