Show RADIO VS NEWSPAPER perhaps it is necessary for fol the radio broadcasting stations to resort to the use of paid advertising in order to meet expenses no fair minded newspaper publisher would reny them that right but the radio a wonderful invention and of great bene belle fitchen ak when properly handled has degenerated into a sordid money making machine where cash is placed high above ethics and decency it has been debauched to an extent where any person with the price can have almost any kind of a questionable article foisted upon the public as of superior quality iky the announcer often designating them the greatest greate t and mo most S t perfect articles of their kind hind also at a price quacks in the professions are heralded as leaders and of mankind at a price and tion of quality or service is a daily occurrence occur ence it is getting so a great many people believe vc very ry little tl I 1 pv hear over the radio the new newspaper is different it is controlled by the postal laws 1 aws of the country it cannot besent an article that is offered fo for sale it earl can not defame the character of other leonle it must he be on the level or be denied the right of the united states State gs mil the buying buvina public ins has faith faath in the newspapers it is 1 lofin loping ir faith in in the radios if you have n ave anything for fale ale F ali that at is worth baving go to your lo 10 boal il newspaper the editor will not lie for you yon but he e will place bour iro proposition position bon etly before the flie people and the latter will not question the truth of what he says |