Show t m 01 I 1 r t I 1 I 1 m fhe WEEK doston boston an AUT 13 the Dul bulletin letin said today tacio is a distinctly st roliver tons in tile fie wool market following a move mont input estimates estimate es at close to fifty pill nil ilion alloi pounds of wool of ill all grales atil tj apes over the tha net lot inight including potions which undoubtedly will bo be exercised wool ener cener ally all have maritea prices up m alpo to five cents a i pound clen clean basis bash from the low point in tal 3 the nasonal wool marketing corporation ins has withdrawn its wool from tile the market by pricing its wool k above five cents above the general streel ic loval vp 1 the posidio position n ousby improved Impi ovod and some jurers evidently are even improvement by the size of their purchases pinch aises lp ir the west ft oat prices pi ices have bbown a tendency to advance even a hit bit ahead of tha th eastern market wool Is lv and not infrequently his been withdrawn from the market rail by the holders |