Show CROCHET HET GLOVES B BT NICHOLAS j E W N ri ell 8 W 1 F P A i r W v ia TOMi uttus rf here Is something now new to in hand crocheted accessories these gloves are all latest paris edict A few of the more exclusive shops are carrying them here but naturally with the duty the handwork and all the rest they are by no means cheap A pair like the ones pictured may be copied at the outlay of only a few cents and it requires comparatively little time to make them to crochet them requires two balls each of sizes 10 and 30 trier mer cotton or you can use a double strung strang of the size 30 crochet thread where directions call for the size 10 it may appear difficult to crochet these chic gloves but really they are as easy to make as a simple scarf or a borot beret or one of the new collar and cuff sets acts uso use no 11 steel crochet look hook most alost any fancywork department or spec specialty alty shop will supply directions |