Show I 1 TON ITI L a torb residents wrt were e entertained fly iy ay the families rf of carlis bat n tu the rabie families RI dallies Dalli ys ranch on saturday night A delicious lunch was served around a bonfire cind and miss dailey bailey gave two readings J W anderson Au derson and his son joseph were visitors in fit summit point monday the misses ruth kuth anna alice and mary alary anderson and carlisle Carll blair and jean teeman formed a horse back riding party into spring canyon manday arthur holt la Is hauling posts preparatory for fencing on oil his homestead 1 grain harvesting Is completed at Co lemans farm mr air and family and mr tru blood of canadian texas teas are visitors at the holt home this week mr share Is looking over ahn country with the iden idea of settling here 1 arthur holt reports some water in ili ills its new well leo lee miller Is building a di dwelling velling on hla his homestead last friday a delegation front roni tom wet with ae te school honert to confer confar with that body relative to fi a school in torb |