Show KILLING TH atheni OWN OWIN CAUSE most of the bonus army is is back at home again they lave had enough h of wild goose chases only the radical is still on the move when the bonus men went to washington there was nuch much sympathy for them over the country millions of people leople felt that their cause was just and wished them well specially especially in view of the lavish governmental and congressional expenditures in other lines but the average american citizen will not approve the idea dea of a khaki shirt le legion gioli with a camp in every state I 1 uch such an aggregation would gather together only the element which would be dominated by communists who seek eek to destroy the government the bonus nicy men still on the road would do well to re return turn to their homes they are a legitimate ch charge arge upon the respective communities in which abich they rightfully belong r until such time as employment can be provided for them joining in with the enemies of the government will not aid their cause it will only alienate the public sympathy that now exists for them |