Show AS THE L EDITOR SEES EES IT I 1 TIME TO THINK it if tile the government Is wise it wll take f warning from biorn tile lie deceit riot in 11 lashington engineered ay y th 11 aeils eds there are aie seven or clit mill millian irn of unemployed men in this country they are ara unable to support their s no nn woric wo lc Is to he be had and private charity Is tn biern nece erity requires them to re EC cert it anni I 1 nudists arf ar aar ady worl vo rl T among these men en an and are ai e se spoil curina lna thousands of converts S to tile the pell cause A sullen feeling exists amoni among many f farmers of the country who hp ati fore have intensely loyal they resent the tremendous federal ald aid th tb Is belue being extended to the financial ant corporate interests as compared toi to the paltry efforts that are aie being nalto ald aid agriculture i i devolution le N 1 reely freely though gaiard edla among lien inen who r tolore would have scoffed at such a possibility revolution Is the laet thing we vi e ant to see but we ve would not wager a plugged nickle on the future nines lillies 4 there Is a sudden and radical changa chan in our present political and ropen mental ei stan remember member Ke tie the roston poston tea party WHY NOT THE WOMEN sin P the foundation of the ve he have dePend lel unon DO me mei to min inin agn I 1 the h e aar arh ot of cur nation talt S annd and the me dpn rave pave na dp I 1 gl glordon orlon riess of it now nov why vh nol riep lie h domn 1 11 nf they arv povl 0 ir I r c in lioma have chotin abern themselves selves an nn ni ill ibey aile aie ne nc onfrio a arold into public they are fair rind anil just and they are not or sayan derais lei ars of other noal als tronc for a number of ft woren hav hiiva P heon been tili bugl business ness field and wherever hever we e find them they are aie invariably successful because they nrc nir birri 1 ie and square iquain in their s tho the tendency of our male cilli iq fi to irenea e expenditures while th tha 1 I or cl tile the Is to reduce thern them wa might do worse vorse than rive give the women a whirl j now it if we just jurt had we the I 1 that hit tile the policeman and started the ithe riot that start edthe army to driving the bonus men out ot of washington we wa might start stait something but some soine other hick his got the brick 1 0 our late a illes allies are mightily pleased over ve arthe the attitude of mr borah on the subject of debt cancellation but per haps they think mr air i borah la Is the united states theres plenty ot of amusement ben beni i I 1 the doors of the national circus will open again in Decem december bei |