Show KILLING THE GOLDEN GOOSE again we call attention of congress to a glaring over sight which is causing much distress among the farming community of the country or perhaps it was deliberate and not in an oversight farmers F arniere are daily losing lesing their farms en foreclosures fore closures because they the y ire are unable to meet their mortgages thousands are being ang sold for taxes because the farmers are not even able to earn enough at current prices to pay such stich taxes steadily on the increase congress con ivess has gone A to extreme lengths to bolster with up UZ federal funds large gge corporations corpora eions which have buffe suffered red in tile the depression alt although honah these corporations still continue contil lup to tn pay enormous to their officials this fund comes from increased great areat taxation a proportionate proportion ite share of which must be sold out met by these same farmers who are being ii if congress CO Iress can afford to supply billions for the of big business bu siness it can afford to uke take over farm benefit mortgages wilar whre e the ow owners ners can not meet r the payments to banks b I 1 S and give the owners time in which to ret get on their feet if it can afford to hand over to general Geller 11 dawes daives to keep his bank on its feet cill I 1 during r ing a run it can call afford to be equally equal y generous to the farmers in the m matter att r of thair farm and their interest payments ments farm F ai m property pr is better security than ohp th bonds of bia bi corporations the latter can cp n go broke farms do not run away the december session seas ion of congress should give this matter serious consideration big business of nf course would oppose but big business should not own the country |