Show THOUGHTS 0 0 1 Z 1 and d 6 1 0 by dio W AFTER THE BATTLE tile the recent lecent clash between bet veen wash inet anston police and the radical wing ot of the bonus army in which one man man was killed another died and otil eerier ler casualties occurred oc cured has hag set tile the people of ahls country to thinking ind and talk ing it is generally conce eded that the trouble was precipitated by comma and a vicious radical element cleme n t of the bonus army still g in washington after the main body had quietly evacuated the city but the tha manner in which they were eie evicted does not meet with universal approval the use of a squadron of cavalry a battalion of infantry machine gunners tear gas and dreaded tanks to drive out a limited force of uni unar nned nied men is considered to be belittling to i a reat and powerful government there Is a feeling that sowe some high official lost ills head at a time when it ft should have been firmly fixed upon ills his shoulders tile the washington police could have handled the situation it they had bad been left alone it has been suggested that one salty old texas ranger armed with high heeled boots jingling spurs seui s and a ten gallon hat bat could twe have evacuated ted the entire bonus camp without removing ren oving ills his pipe from his mouth I 1 i and tile hurling of tear gas into a crowd containing women and children re la is responsible tills this was done b by a detachment of federal troops ot not by the police 0 the washington authorities and the authorities of the district of columbia knew that communists and agitators were endeavoring to stir up among the honest but jobless bonus airel ers and both the and tile the district were unquestionably derelict in their plain duty in not I 1 ch rushing the red scheme right light in n its incipiency plency had that been done there would have been no riot no trouble of any hind and 11 of the bonus men woud have left washington when cong congress reps adjourned to be ba fair and just wt the homs bonva ar apfl D not t entirely open to barsh ren at arra re tor for siang sId ng an earlier payment of thi their ir certia c ten T law are chii lh ii hom hOT less and hungry with no relief in sight eight kiy after cliv havn ap congress voting enormous sums from increased taxation tion to tle MS corporations mil roads 1 hinks and other or daniy i eri e 0 of 1 the in tl toasts tops ests ts it Is b but it t that hat they should feel if congress con Riess could do so much tor for big business it could at cast do 10 something tor for the men who fought the battles ot of their country this feeling Is greatly responsible fo for the now but ill started I 1 ua biaulio 0 of f the donus expeditionary force foice 1 put that Is not all while jobless ard and buffering from lack ot of proper nourishment they saw the government go eminent wasting casting in millions illions upon r 1 illions in riotous expenditure s with il no apparent effort to curtail expenses expense 3 they saw sav retired officers of the army aimy navy and marine corps drawing fourths py pay for the remainder lenial niler of their lives after retirement and no return for oi the same this expenditure running lunning up luto into a 9 fering number or of millions of dollar i annually they aw pay rolls ralla overloaded with ival al baina hain acles c 1 es fur whose services aei vices thare tacia Is no need they saw vate and ex et tl lap lacs i 1 the llie midst of our worst arst depression depies slon and they were hungry ablie condemning the communists and the professional agitators who precipitates precipitate i the Vl washington ashington riot do not ilot be ba too severe in your your ju judgment judgement jud gement dement of those honest veterans who departed from wash washington ington in a quiet and orderly manner when congress turned down their pleas and adjourn ed this entire bonus army proposition was ill advised and poorly conceived it never should have lave taken place it la Is true that washington authorities exercised great patience e in de dealin ia with alth thet thel bonus men while I 1 ile they were in the national capitol W but it Is a albo ISO true that a national election Is to he held in november and a majority of these veterans have votes it if nothing elese it la Is notable however that patience Is the only thing they received it la Is also notable that while these homeless and jobless veterans were living in squalor in old shacks at washington hoping for the cashin of their bonus certificates general clearl charles es G dawes needed money to I 1 stop a r run tin 0 on n his chicago bank th reconstruction 1 corporation promptly handed him of VIA coples no MO plea Ples money for dawes and ills his one hank bank nothing for men atho he stood up to br phot pt and are boniv asking ashing for what tile the government owes them Is it strange that many e ex bervice r sen feel that there Is no place for Z them after the fighting fight Sug Is ovi over ov i 0 the majesty of government go ci must be upheld of course mob violence science can not be countenanced or condoned regardless regard gard less ot of who the perpetrators perpetrator a m may ay iy be job jobless ex service sen ice men or others can not be allowed to coerce congress con giess or 01 the government by moving in force upon the national capitol orderly government must prevail dut but the government and coito be respected must so conduct themselves that no cause Is given for the creation of such stich distressing scon s as have been stressed wi in washing ton thee losing months of the nr culminating in troops being ordered on ered to ilva drive ex service men biorn the national capitol at the poin lot of tile |