Show this week ly j ARTHUR earths gold supply single tax comfort science never stops some russian shooting united states geological survey sees no prospect ot of any more mora big gold finds la in the united stat states e a the earth has been thoroughly searched tor for gold russia and canada may possibly hold bold immense new deposits however gold because of 0 its high specific gravity tends to sink deeper and deeper into the earth and resists tho the action ot of water that would bring it down from mountain tops directing ulea men toward the mother lode the amount of gold hitherto developed is probably as nothing compared with faiths real supply it science could find a way to recover lecover all the gold floating around in the atlantic and pacific oceans gold would be ba cheaper than silver and when some future rockefeller invests the necessary thirty or forty million dollars to dig a hole toward the earths center tapping the inexhaustible heat beat and power that enterer ise may bring fresh knowledge about gold prospects |