Show elsiei easte w ma mm a P i FJ 3 MONTI ELLO L 1961 I 1 I 1 aay over hundred hun red women gather gaffier for their ami annual aal ni e efing have busy session and enjoyable time tile the sixteenth annual convention contention of the eastern district utah federation reder atlon of clubs lias has now passed into history but the lay day will ion live I 1 in the minds of the hundred omen who participated in ili it as one of those mile ile posts along nion the highway which akos life so much worth tle living the convention was opened at 10 A M by the district pies president ident mrs U 1 13 mrs F W keller led in the reading leading of the Ameil can creed and a group of young girls lidei the direction of 0 miss ails 8 pearl valton performed the beautiful core nion of the pledge to the flag the assemblage sang sand america the ticul followed by tile the club litany which was mas led by mis alls may cooper mayor maor heber frost then gave the ad dress of v welcome cleome in which lie ho said the town ot of monticello considers it i great pleasure siire and honor to enter tain such a gathering gat fiering and sincerely desires the day rray nay be one of elesure id profit lie ile complimented tile the local clubs for their spirit ot of progress a end n d the many worthy projects which have been engineered by them ile he handed th the district president a very large he key sayong this T Is is the key to PUI out town all and the aults of our oni hearts heir he ir ts ind wll will unlock anything anith lna in tile the town ton he then presented liedwith lie with a very key hichi lie sold said was tile the key kev to ta district attorney Atto aft iney kellers Kel leis heart pit aind had been lost by b mable liable ind arid found lini up HT in n tile ts therefore foie 1 lon fown and arzel that th li 1111 illa 8 usa ilga the icy hplu mn LT scope lee re lidit PI dIt of the woman club 1 or of price rc ic po a ded she he spoke of tile bell ell known hospitality hospit lity of montebello Monte fello ikirt el ivi shed the spirit of the conven comen doll alon to ho be tho the of tile the health and 8 of flip children id nl the people or of tile tho I 1 11 district II Strict i ct PIP ille ly iv mis 1 s monon I or nf mis III S heiton vernon vemon laito air lant of tile the IT U r F W C P pal nl ih p ait alon of clubs aich club aled tile nun IP be of chib ininberg ii Inin bers pl st at the I 1 he ird tile the rep son sons of rich rach club I 1 pil sun by Ks its two to nv ap presented preson ted flip arrs lon 11 of mantl ello and ahn rinh or nf T look oc falby pih the IL aar routina arif ipso of ho file colv atlon with the iH tr arct ct I fIts the HIP eai bellr and tv i 1 of verll virl nit I 1 ads 5 a then taken up until na 12 la I 1 when adjournment for luncheon nas aws tho the luncheon VPS v p 8 se seved led U t tile the 1 I 1 S hapel the ladies of the elvell don 11 lant ng tin the guista ot of tile the lebus rota kota literak y club the daugh of tle tile pioneers eis of monticello and the interstate Conil nullity club or of the twelve small tables icci seating four guests vee nvere deeo with 01 and pink peas ind K lioa I ticul olleta joqueta of flowers of the simo colors were cis pla about alie loom tile the luncheon was served but ur rit fot tie style flom a large beautifully 1011 ted tible table at which mrs fred fed up ap W keller tier and mrs airs claude H 11 ro FO 3 presided they wel well L assisted in hy by mrs claude young mis chaincy Chu ch incy mrs ray redd and mis mark maik hammond music during tile tho luncheon delli ilag as furnished by bi mr ml and mis 1 IS redd arch icci V dronson and miss balne dixi 01 at it 1 V P al ahr e pec uthe board meet ing ivas as held tills this meeting vas made up or of the president pies ident of each club and theli their celee clele atos together toge v avith etli five distl let office offices S makan a voting of twenty the follow foli oving inifi of fibers were e to belve eie for foi tile the next five cais president ripsi tent mis alls I 1 it aulmer of price first vice rr mrs mis pred nod W V neller of yontl rello second vice P eside eildert rt mrs 1 D n E baldwin of oe moab secretary treasurer mrs mis L V shutt of NOt hdale audi for or mis airs prank frnnk halls of monticello historian mrs P lee kirk of froal the ladles ladies choi cher and tile iha ito community club were into ahn tile secord 1 of tn w i piled to nedr by the r president ident at 3 2 P M unfinished efi ness n 9 of tile tho session ace upa timo in time it ahli lne ln e ing molly many splendid reports front from the i various arlous club presidents on the years work were heard and the report of the election was liven by mr viola huerto arto to the tha district song contest was held beld the following clubs entering rebus rota nota literary club daughters of the pioneers of monticello Mon womans comans club of Gree the interstate club ot of northdale Nort hdale and the Wonia comans womans tills literary club of moab following tills business tile the collect was led by mrs A S wood followed by two vocal solos safe in ilis iha F Fit atnel nera 3 home and thinking ThIn thinker Think kirg lr I 1 hear thee rhee call by atell arch at ell V dronson accompanied compa nied at the piano liy by mrs hron tion ion A of 0 aa given nir mr bronson by the assemblage tin 1 1 bowed sever sevell if dpn n did reports and the ladies choral society gave a beautiful ren letl 0 at the song trees mrs george franz of Greear iver the district representative at the state convention last tall fall gave a splendid report repart of that convention the decision on the song contest was given iy ay filth rutledge hut ledge for far the judges the rebus rota nota literary Liter iry club and the tha comans womans literary club of moab tied in the suitability of the words to the music and tile the choice of words but the derision was riven given to tile the moab club the judges feeling their tm bin the utah trail was paster for na aa assemblage asseri blage to finx sin the other song was suns filing to the tune or 0 loves ou olif sweet song all and received second place the of the pioneers pioneer rec received lived third nn their song it heans bein sung to tn the all of abe songs presented were ece eption ally y euid the judges felt tile tha chuhi re to be commended for their efforts R radin and adoption 0 of was un aal a commito coT mito to lo a I 1 balf anre flip li nt at on PS to the tinia ilni of holding hol dinc the convention conven lion his s I 1 A mirton ind Ns mrs julius fils dailey favorel favor pl pr the flip audience with tho song flowers alov ars of chev were hy by mrs arthur anderson Ani lerson mr afro weston vernon hien anve arly P oil an address on junior club work defore be whining on her lira kirs vernon urged all presidents to a attend the presidents convention to be hold held in salt lake on sept t 3 and ur urged ged that every club member attend the state convention which will be held beld in logon in the spring of 1933 on tier her subject mrs vernon stated that club work is social life 01 on ol a an n anle scale she urged tie the og organization 1 bizat toil of junior cluba aron sponsor sor pd by club women with all and a 1 senior site sho mont will iTi siire the pud prid ron fon of club cl il work aill train girls to be canlers loa lers in fit their com ri unity lizi tills roat pov er for and would at the same time 0 overcome v the of nf the older i to criticize tile the present day garl and would woud prove tile the mens shying antrup that women cannot work with the ithe youn N of their acx ex ns iipp cart can with theirs she felt th tint thit it youth vita I 1 1 lizes club work worie ani urged that all L cil I 1 in pach each pac h community be joined in ili a junior club not to be limited to tile the RIIS gris who hove have all the advantages 9 es hut but to take in n all girls feeling that contact of many minds makes for superior In and bigness enoi of mind in closing she said I 1 jr if we may instill into our young girls the ideals leils li of federation a new and splendid citizenry will result with the ide ideal it ile he that would be truly great gr el t let him serve A committee al was as then appolit appointed ted by mrs rs simonsen almonson Sl monson to send a resolution to our protesting high taxa i tion mra choney cheney of Green river read a splendid article from the clab I 1 woman on womans comans part in tile the present I and mrs Dru niley of north dalp read two poems by fanny redshaw the president then asked for invitations tor for the 19 3 convention and mrs alls L A mcgee on behalf of the iWo club club fc star legion and daughters of the pioneers a of f price asked aba the convection conver tion be hold held in ili their city during 1 continued on pase 5 COUNT m continued from rage page g 6 august of 0 next year the invitation was unanimously accepted lira airs heinon then performed tho the ceremony of installing the new otti cers following this ceremony mrs airs B L B simonson who has been president ot of tile the eastern district for the past two years gave aavo a short closing talk taik calling it her swan song she thanked the club presidents for their cooperation with her and spoke of her enjoyment of the office only wishing she might have tilled filled it more efficiently she asked that the clubs give the now new president mrs fullmer the same cooperation they have given her the enaize assemblage came cania to its feet a a mark of appreciation to mrs airs simonsen who has through her charming personality and excellent ability vs PS our leader endeared herself to the the li arts of each and every one of 0 rs the state president made a few ro rf marks stating that mrs simonson fact always cooperated in every wy way 1 h been willing to take and give by tile the state officers A st standing arding vote of thanks was abo aho given to mrs airs miia oderto of price who has for the past five years efficiently tilled filled the office of secretary treasurer of the district at 7 a reception and banovec ans held at tile the L D S chapel mrs airs may cooper of 14 was the presiding hostess and mrs irma shutt of northdale Norl Nort hdale was toastmistress the long tables were decorated with purple and gold flowers the district colors and wall vases and hanging filled with flowers of the he same hue made tile the room beautiful corsages of purple and gold pansies were at each cover the theme of the convention was make imade the most of today and was as carried out in the banquet program mrs viola oberto gave a toast today followed by two violin selections by mrs airs ruth baker of Green river mrs airs W C rehor of frice pi ice toast was vas what I 1 have gained from today felt that elie ehe had gained lasting friendship mrs airs II al A barton sang just for or today and dicave aae the toast something attempted something zone done has earned a nights repose the leport of the courtesy committee was VPS given by mrs mis D E baldwin they wished to thank every one aho v vho lio had worked to make the convention a success the L D S church for the use of its chapel the school board tor for the use of the auditorium the oasis confectionery tor for its helpfulness ful ness mr and mrs bronson tor for the beautiful music furnished at tile the luncheon every person contributing contribution to the program tile the luncheon and ban inet committees and last but not least to express their appreciation for all the beautiful flowers used in decorating mrs weston vernon vernon then gave an interesting add address ess on ad Adv vantages antar e of federation she likened club clauhs which do not fede federate rute to a selfish rich family fa rilly wio who build and furnish a mansion manion and beautt beautiful ful yard and exclude the hunon she said it means chan changing ing get get get for myself to give give give to another meins means sharing with others thereby broadening the outlook sharpening liar pening the sense of humor giving us toler price for others makes us count up each others good points and discount the bad teaches Ta ches us to be true tine to our own convictions without bitter 1 ness promotes friendship leadership Is a foe to bigotry narrowness mi i owners and hat datered ered posters fosters only ideals promoting culture forty years of federation have been built upon trust and the trust upon confidence in one another this thi contact with others gives ex peri ence and experience whether sai sa ia I 1 or otherwise otho nilse Is in th only true unchong ing color in our lives she told of oil all the tha various vailous depart roenea of the federation fedei aaion which we may rip to pur advantage and said tile the service of 0 these splendid heads heids Is idealistic part of gods railor in the heart mrs ails ida fda may stewart ait of moab sing sang an italian fiesta song and tile the rosary the pritam was brou broue braueht P lit ht to a close with a bicentennial 1 play happiness DS days under the direction of mrs mi s D n 13 perkins and mrs rs A J redd as martha maltha niton mrs airs hans jensen as nellie tile the granddaughter little miss harriet arriet fl neilson PS ns the six month old greit great granddaughter and mrs ray ha V redd red as tile the no desro ro nursemaid nuis emald emaid |