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Show City-Coun)y Hcdl'a Department Advises On Pou'iry Purchasing sli:ill not he ronsiilorcd a consum- I '!'.' Oiily.ivisi'cniliMl rabbits, chick-on. chick-on. poultry or panic shall be permitted per-mitted to be sold in any market, iv.Maurnnt, I'afe, or other similar establishment or place of business in Utah County. When an establishment has been approved by the Health Department Depart-ment and an inspection tag or mark is shown on their product, it indicates that this establishment is maintained in a clean, sanitary condition and is inspected routinely routine-ly by the well-trained sanitarians of the Health Department to in-sure in-sure a wholesome product for your consumption. We urge you to insist in-sist upon this inspection mark when purchasing these products. In an effort to project the health and well-beine, of the. citizens of Utah County and to eliminate the danger of their consuming unfit poultry or rabbits, the City-County Health Department of Utah County cautions the public to purchase pur-chase only poultry and rabbits which have been slaughteicd in an approved establishment and which bears a stamp or label showing the products have been inspected. The County legulations specify that any person desiring to engage in the business of slaughtering, slaught-ering, selling or delivering poultry or game within the limits of Utah County shall procure a permit from the Health Officer. ' Every person receiving a permit to slaughter, sell or deliver within with-in the limits of Utah County any rabbits, chicken, poultry or any other similiar meat food products, must attach in a conspicuous place upon the carcass of such rabbits or poultry-a metal tag approved by the Health Officer and which metal tag must bear the name of the establishment and permit number num-ber received by him from the City-County City-County Health Department of U-tah U-tah County and on all sealed packages pack-ages containing eviscerated rabbits, rab-bits, poultry, game or other similar sim-ilar meat food products, there shall be printed on the said package pack-age the name of the establishment and permit number received by him from the Health Department. The approved mark, tag or brand of the U.S. Government Meat Inspector or other inspection mark approved by the City-County Health Department shall be accepted in lieu of the identification identifica-tion of the above regulations. The above requirements shall not apply to any person who actually ac-tually raises any rabbits, poultry, game or other similar meat food products who sells the same direct to the consumer. A restaurant for the purpose of this regulation, |