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Show Mothers Siudy Club Entertain At Party Thurs. The Mothers Study Club and their husbands enjoyed a most delightful de-lightful valentine party at the Alpine Grille on Thursday even' ing. The sumptious turkey dinner was served at a U-shaped table, beautifully set, with a centerpiece of cut flowers. . Mrs. J. M. Macfarlane was in charge. Group singing was led by Earl A. Beck. Later competitive games were played and each guest received a lovely valentine. Enjoying the affair were Messrs and Mesdames Burton H. Adams, H. S. Walker, Leo P. Harvey, A. P. Warnick, H. S. Richards, S. W. Hilton, Karl Banks, Earl A. Beck, J. M. Macfarlane, Lewis E. Olpin, Wm. C. Smith, C. A. Gam-me'it, Gam-me'it, Ray S. Merrill, Thos. Fenton, Ford M. Paulson, Wesley Jense, S. A. Kirk, and Mrs. H. W. Jacobs, Mrs. Lacy White, Miss Estelle Fenton, Mrs. Oral Wirght and Mrs. A. R. Overlade. Committee on arrangements was Mrs. J. M. Macfarlane, Mrs. Wesley Jense, Mrs. S. A. Kirk, Mrs. B. H. Adams and Mrs. L. A. Clark. |