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Show V'ff sv, mi m-- iiTJ I TifS SU Another BiTN 7 WIN rC jCWo BONUS days contest..:' UAIIIARIF I It'iFunllt't Easy I Enter Today I i V ALUMDLL Name IGA'j Piggy Bank., wrile th iuggested"" PRIZES! Mnig along with your own nama and address on , S t. Iht back of any 1GA label and drop inlo C Conlesl Entry Box For complete detaiii vliit any IGA Store! k N IGA Cream Corn, No. 303, 2 for 33c Yellowtail Flakes 19c Sunny Morn Coffee, Lb. 79c IGA All Purpose Flour, 25 Lbs. $89 Marlene Margarene, Lb. 32c Velveeta Cheese, 2 Lb. 89c IGA Canned Milk, Tall, 4 for 57c IGA Salad Dressing, Qts. 45c Jellit, 3 for 19c , uoooooooooooooogoooooccooooocooo u . oooowoooooooccooooccoooooscooocq y I Week-end-Beys TEA. "ipton'f'A lb. black 33c TEA BAGS. 100 counf' LiPon's $103 I SPAGHETTI & meat ba"s' E"'s (couPon) 19c SOUP. Lip,on noodle mix 35c MARGARINE. Pgrkr' 2 lbs 63c BEEF STEW. Ellis wi,h coupon 39c 1 , FLOOR WAX. Bennetts qt. size .... GLEAMING WAX Bruce 89c PUREX dry bleach 37c TOILET TISSUE60"5 45c WORK GLOVES $119up i Nancy Warren WALLPAPER Order fours Now from DON'S HOME SUPPLY PRICED TO SELL Alfalfa Hay, 1st and 2nd cuttings, cut-tings, good quality. Barley, Excellent feed quality 1936 V-8 Motor, with 4 speed transmission, very good shape Hydraulic hoist for Dump Bed, with P.T.O. to fit Ford transmission. trans-mission. Ideal for rigging your own dump bed for corn silage or chopped hay. , Two Wheeled Trailer, New Vi ton pickup bed on extra sturdy stur-dy chassis. Farm Wagon Chassis, with or . without rack on good rubber. Phone 5213 I SHOP AT NORTH UTAH COUNTY'S j LARGEST FABRIC CENTER See Our New Large Selection of Sports Denim Famous 'Cone' and" 'Avondale' Quality For Only fec yd. I Plains Stripes Plaids I I I For This Week: 80 Sq. Percale, 3 yds $00 Fruit O' the Loom and Cloth O' Gold Two Groups 39c anC 44c Sold in Most Stores at 59c a yd. BEST VALUES ALWAYS ... 9(3 U U U U U " DEPARTMENT STORES Pleasant Grove Real Estate 7 blocks from school on oiled road. 3.43 acres, each. 2 Small Homes 4 rooms, Large Chicken coop. Fruit, Water thare, 36 Chev. Truck Terms. $9,950 l-Five Room Older House Coop, Shed, .87 acres.' Gas furnace, water heater, Built in clothes dryer $7,500 Seven room Brick Home 1 V3 Acres $11,000 or with Furniture Fruit room, Stoker furnace, 2 coops, barn, shed Completely remodeled For Quick Sale 1.59 Acres with Water 7-2 Room Brick 7-4 room CB. Stucco Gas Heat, Water Heater 6 blocks from Dank $7,500 Choice Lots Acre Lots 79 South Main Pleasant Grove, Utah Phones Res. 2323 Office 3311 June Kendall C. A. Rasmus C. A. Rasmussen, Salesman June Kendall, Broker dfijigX is the a 8-Inch Circular Saw PL Vt" cut depth. Tilting tabL. Up to At" bttw..n bldd. .nd f.nc. I 15" iwing. 33" between centers. Speeds from 850 to 3450 rpm. 12-Inch Disc Sander i Miter gauge and rip fence for ccu rat sanding. Diic feeds Into work. Horizontal fjl'TLrj Pr larg. heavy work. ' f "If YTfl Sv time, no jigs needed. j "IJ Ruggd comtruction. ILL, 15-inch Vertical Drill Press jf '"d- Chuck to Pr.cition f.atur.s. s1 RQso wi,h attac'imen,s 100 less motor SPECIAL Vi h p. ball-bearing motor.... J i TRI-STATE LUMBER CO. 53 W. Main Am. Fork |