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Show THEATRE Friday ond Saturday February 20 and 21 jwaslibuckling -p Sons of cl&ty Satan ! vAvC MerHnee Sat, 3 p.m Flowers For Every Occasion ... If you desire to send a bouquet to a sick friend in the hospital or to his home ... or a lovely funeral spray . . . or for your wife's birthday anniversary ... or your own wedding anniversary . . . call us and we will furnish just the thing you desire. We specialize in floral decorations for making your wed-dingtthe wed-dingtthe most beautiful ever! Our floral decorators will help plan bouquet selections for the entire wedding party, decorate the church and reception rooms to meet your taste and purse requirements. V HUMPHRIES FLORAL Phone 200 American Fork, and we will make delivery to your home in Pleasant Grove, Lindon or Manila r Friday and Saturday S heart-warming story of t "H a funster and a youngster! "jjf Monday and Tuesday J '"' Would You Like GAS HEAT? Call P. G. 337 7 for Details RASMUSSEN HEATING and VENTILATING CO. 79 South Main Pleasant Grove Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday February 22, 23 and 24 1x7 t iM 1 Matinee Sun. 3 pm Wednesday, February 25 One Day Only : I co-itaiiim; - DEM JAGGER-JQM EVMS A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE EVERYTHING NICE at the SUGAR & SPICE 387 South Main PI. Grove CLASSIFIED WANTED TO RENT Two Bedroom Bed-room House in PI. Grove or Or-em, Or-em, Call PI. Grove 4821. FOUND Purse, owner may have by identifying, Phone 5144, PI. Grove. FOR SALE Building Lot on East Center St. See Wilford Hooley. RFD 1, Box 129. FOR SALE COAL, Call Lee Dickey, Phone 4861, Pleasant Grove. CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING, For free estimates call Gordon Hansen, 0821-J4, Or-em, Or-em, Work guaranteed. FOR SALE '49 Mercury 4-Door Sedan, Radio, Heater and overdrive, over-drive, Art Turner, 455 E. 6 N., Phone 5153. FOR SALE '50 Ford 2-Door, Radio Ra-dio and Heater, Art Turner, 455 E. 6 N. Phone 5153. FOR SALE '49 Chev. 2-Door, Radio Ra-dio and Heater, Art Turner, 455 E. 6 N. Phone 5153. FOR sXLE '41 Dodge 4-Door, Radio and Heater, Art Turner, 455 E. 6 N. Phone 5153. FOR SALE '50 Chev. 34 Ton Pickup, 4-speed, Art Turner, 455 E. 6 N. Phone 5153. LOST In Pleasant Grove, 1 Red White-faced Bull Calf, weighs 300 lbs. Call 2083, P. G. FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet Fleet-line, Fleet-line, Clean and in excellent condition. con-dition. Reasonable Price, 58 North 1st East, American Fork. mim miMm Meeis Every Heme Demand STAR FLOUR MILLS AMERICAN cORK, UTAH K1gs Oft Osi 0a Fee if" in Special Console Sewing Machine I In Walnut Value Priced for A $y95 Limited Time Only $10.00 Down ' u $79.95 $3.40 per month Never before such a Value. The worlds finest sewing action in a beautiful Walnut Console. And what a pleasure to Sew the Free-Westinghouse Way! All the outstanding features that make Machine sewing easy. Westinghouse Appliances Packard Bell and Motorola Television ASK TO SEE THIS SPECIAL CONSOLE AT SAA and DON'S four Paint and Wallpaper- Headquarters Corner First South Main Pleasant Grove, Utah w Telephone EMrecSory f . s ft. v ? ... i T--v going to press soon! J for new or changed lisfings., . 9 or fS&S for directory advertising call The Telephone Business Cl i ice 1 i- . . .-- . ,, , , , , , FOR SALE 1 SHARE WATER, Call 5682, Pleasant Grove. FOR FLOWERS For FUNERALS and All Occasions, Call Ruth Cobbley, Phone 2814, Daily Delivery De-livery from Tony's Floral, Orem. BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE Phone 3804, 7th East and 1st North, Pleasant Grove. FOR SALE Valentines, Stationery, Station-ery, and Greeting Cards for all occasions. Buy them by the box and save. Mrs. Carl Carlson, 92 East 4th North, PI. Grove. JESS MONSON AGENCY Auto fire, and other types of insurance insur-ance and bonds. 921 East, 1st North, or Tel. 5591. SAWS AND LAWNMOWERS SHARPENED Hand 'or machine mach-ine filing on saws. Lawnmowers picked up and delivered. Phone 4844, 570 N. 4th East, PI. Grove. TELEVISION IS BETTER THAN EVER See your local friendly GE Store for the best GE, Syl-vania, Syl-vania, RCA and Sparton Paul's Appliance, corner Main and Center Cen-ter streets Phone 3512. INSULATE YOUR HOME WITH ROCK WOOL & save up to 40 on your coal bill See John S. Green for information. Phone 4 122. SCISSOR GRINDING and HAND MADE LEATHER GOODS - Harold Palenske, 3 6-1 1 i So. Main. I Jan. 16, 2 tp. MORE GAS CONNECTIONS ALLOCATED CALL US FOK DETAILS We can na!-,e your installation IMMEDIATELY. No Down Payment First Payment May 1 Don't Delay Enjoy Automatic Heating. Telephone 607 American Fork Lehi 1 S9-J |