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Show WANT ADS A , : For Sale Purebred Plymo'A ' " Rock Cockerels and Pullets. Sm John F. MUler. 2-8-tf. Reward A reward will bepaid for the return of the bronz Dental sign. Dr. Culver R. Anderson, Am. Fork. 2-8. For Sale, Cheap Fine R. C. aT Ra- dio, walnut cabinet. Inquire J. W. Myers. 2-8-ltp. Pure Gurnsey Bull for service. serv-ice. Price $1.00. Absolutely no credit at this price. Reid Dean. 2-8-ltp. Lost Liver and white Spaniel pup. Will pay for return of pup. RT Dean. 2-8-r Lost Tan calfskin Jacket npit-v' initials M. W. R. Return to H-'' Cafe. Reward. 2-8-!it.." For Sale Building lot, north of First ward chapel. Price reasonable, Mrs. Jos. R. Payne, Am. Fork. 2-8-3tp. Modern home for rent. For information in-formation see Gilbert Baxter, Amer- ' lean Fork. 2-1-tf. MALE HELP WANTED STEADY WORK GOOD PAY . RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers. No experience or capital capi-tal needed. Write today. McNESS Co., Dept. H, Freeport, Illinois. Potatoes For Sale See Ra T. 'f Carter, Lehl. 1-31- ) '' . j FOR SALE Brick and Lunt'.,! from Kirkham Building. See Chajf Featherstone, Lehi. 2?T For Sale Work horses, Ben Adams or Varian West, Pleasant Grove. 2-15-2tp. Lost Black male dog with bob tail, white under neck, Spaniel type. Has had broken hind leg, below knee also has large scar above hind knee. Reward. Finder Telephone 85-W, j American Fork. 1-17-tf. j James Spratley and Charles Gais- '" ford motored to Elmo last Sunday and joined then- wives who had been spending several days with Mr. and Mrs- Orval Snow and daughter. They all returned that evening. First Chocolate Mill America's first chocolate mill la -till in operation In Boston af . ''' years of rnntinnniis prorlnrtli,' 1 ! Spring Floor Peanut Shower ! DANCE AT THE Apollo Hall Mon., Feb 18th CARTERS j ORCHESTRA j E. M. Drage, Floor Manager The blocking has been removed '. from the floor spring giving us ! i the old Spring Floor back again. iini i m i i i ti nil .."' Great For Sore Swollen Pain-Tortured Rheumatic Joints Here is a new treatment. Get a bottle of clean, powerful, penetrating Moone's Emerald Oil. Apply a few drops over the affected part, rub lightly till it disappears on its errand er-rand of mercy. The first application brings blessed comfort and relief. Do You Miss That Boy or Girl Away From Home? TELEPHONE I J Sensationally Low Costs on ; CURTAINS, DRAPES, SLIP h COVERS I j IF YOU ACT DURING FEBRUARY ; Phone 62 for Free Estimates, etc. Dixon-Taylor-Russell LJ A in luxurious fAX "tr1 COMFORT m ff- with LMf- . j ECONOMY wJR- il WSVS -1 Go to Califrnia where 1 ?D "ffcr I Spring awaits youl See w Vv. the things you've heard 4-r& so much about - giant Xv- '- s J redwoods, historic mis- .r' yy l sions, orange groves. W k'ue Paciic' Los An- ygJUgZi ppl s J 9ees tm( Movieland.... fc-S? Wifew Enroute, see gigantic 'ySrflrS. Boulder Dam, now al---hrs.. most completed alow- rpP- cost side trip from Las Vegas. RAIL FARES ARE LOW But whatever you do, make your California Hound trips approximately V2c a mile jrfp COMFORT1 It in coaches; 2c a mile in Pullmans, ,arts the moment you berth costs extra. step on a Umon Pacific g lrain....a pleasant jour ney.. .relaxation...and, at For complete dotails consult local agent today's low fares, real ECONOMY1 UHIOH PACIFIC 1 COKE or COAL I i EITHER I S At New Yard I OR j Delivered B ;j All Grades of Coal and Coke Carried Let us Quote you Prices. " J. D. Keller I YARD AT RESIDENCE TELEPHONE 216 AMERICAN FORK g Say Goodbye to Gas In Stomach and Bowels Why bother with slow actors when one ta-blespoonful of this splendid and pleasant liquid remedy will cause gas, bloating, heaviness, heartburn heart-burn or ony upset condition of the stomach to speedily vanish. It's a wonderful formula this combination of Pepsin with other good stomach invigorators so wonderful that regular reg-ular pharmacists guarantee one bottle bot-tle of Dare's Mentha Pepsin to show the way to stomach comfort. j& DAREZ'3 PEPSIN |