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Show BEVERLY HILLS Well all I know is just what I read in the papers, pa-pers, or what I see here and there. . Well It lust look like I have been commuting. You know what that word commuting Is? Well its a word that I learned learn-ed In Now York City many years ago when I lived out on Long Island, Is-land, and I had to run and catch a train. It you spenu a liiellma running and catching trains to get out into what is humorously called the Country, why then you are a Commuter." Well even little Towns have what they call "Commuters," but they dont know it. Its folks that work in the county seat and live out iu the Country Coun-try and either come in in a buss or a Ford, and they do their job in the county seat all day, then get home the best way they can in the evening. eve-ning. Well, in New York they are called "Commuters," and there is millions of em, even maby billions, for its a year of big figures. Well, this "Com- muting" can take In a lot of territory, and what I am trying to got at Is, that I have been in the last few weeks "Commuting" from Coast to Coast. I would grab the "5.15" and hike for California and then get the early morning "8.20" back to New York. So I been leaping from Pacific to Atlantic Atlan-tic and vis versa for some distance. Now I might just as well stayed one place. There is an awful lot of this running around that is overestimated. overesti-mated. You dont see much more where you are going than where you come from. But they got these airplane sleepers sleep-ers running now, and its kinder like a pullman. They sleep ten people. The bottom birth is about six inches from the floor and the top one is a little higher than the ordinary bed, but they are long, plenty long. Not so wide, but wide enough to turn over in. You just drop off to sleep and you land at Towns to get gas and mail, and you don't wake up at all. Even when I got off to Ft Worth, Texas in the morning and on account of not hearing Anion Carter talking, I dident wake up, (he was away). But they have a stewardness on there and she wakes you up. John D Rockefeller's son-in-law, a Mr Milton (I am sure it was Milton, maby it was Minoton, hut I still think it was Milton,) well he is the nicest fellow you ever saw. I mean he is the son-in-law of young John D. If I remember re-member right back during the wedding wed-ding I think he was a young lawyer, and his wife got in some little minor traffic . jam and he defended her. (What in the world was her name? Was it Aggie?) I hollered in at my wife just now to ask her if she dident remember it, but she was about half asleep and I might just as well hollered hol-lered at the bell hop. Well I cant think of it, anyhow this late at night. I know the last name was Rockefeller, and I know it wasent Minnie. Well anyhow he defended de-fended her in this case, and to keep from paying him she married him. You know young John D Rockefeller always brought those children up to not spend anything they could get out of spending. As luck would have it this girl hit a bargain, for this young Barrister was a fine young man, and its been a very happy marriage. mar-riage. Well what I am getting at, he was in the birth across from me. He had been out to California. One of the nicest fellows we had out there in California was this same fellows brother-in-law. I think his name was Nelson Rockefeller. He was on a tour with some bankers, and he made a big hit with everybody. This plane thing has got to be a great place to meet everybody. It saves you a lot of time for a lot of reasons. I got home to California and they told me "Your picture dont start till next Monday." Well then I am off again. Mrs Rog- ers is back in New York with our Mary so back I hike, and I do a little show seeing. see-ing. 1 found one show that was running backwards, back-wards, and they figured it a big novelty, but my Lord, we been running Rogers Pictures back- wards for years. We draw straws whether to run em backwards or forwards, for-wards, then audiences have wondered won-dered and speculated which way they were run. This one announced on their program pro-gram that it was run backwards, but ours dont. We just let em guess, but it dont make much difference nowadays, now-adays, for audiances are so smart that you can start In the middle and go both ways and they will still have you out guessed at the finish. Anyhow this was a fine show and mighty well done. But about one sea-eon sea-eon is all I want to see for figuring em out forward is hard enough, much less guessing em backwards. But there Is some good shows in N. Y. Better than in years. 19S5. X'c.Xaughi Syndicate, Inc. |