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Show Notice of Special Election I TO ALL QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE CENTRAL UTAH. WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT, STATE OF UTAH Take notice that on the 19th day of November, 1985, a special election will be held in the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State of Utah, at the voting places set out below for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said district the following proposition: PROPOSITION Shall the Central Utah Water Conservancy District (the "District") enter into a Supplemental Repayment Contract with the United States of America for the continued construction of the Central Utah Project Bonneville Unit and the acquisition of a municipal and industrial water supply for the District, at an additional reimbursable cost to the District of not to exceed $335,000,000, plus ten percent thereof (33,500,000) for certain cost increases, for a total of not to exceed $368,500,000, (which sum , is in addition to a present ; repayment obligation allocated to .municipal and industrial water use -of$14074O8,000 committed-and--' autKonzed under" Tneof rginal' KepayTnent Contract executed December 28, 1965, and is also in addition to the payment of $10,000,000, which payment has been heretofore made by the District to the United States . in connection with the Jordan and Alpine Aqueduct systems, and is in : addition to sixty-six percent of the cost of the Jordan Aqueduct which was included in the 1965 Repayment Contract, but which has now been assumed by others), repayable over the installment period provided for under present Federal Reclamation law, but, in no event, in excess of 50 years, with interest at a rate to be established pursuant to the provisions of Section 5(f) of the Act of Congress approved April 11, 1956 (70 Stat,'';.. 105), as amended by the Act of Congress approved June 27, 1960, (74 Stat. 227), not to exceed 3.222 percent per annum, and with a charge on delinquencies at a rate equal to not less than one-half percent (Vfe) per -month, all in accordance with the terms and conditions of the draft of the Supplemental Repayment Contract referred to in the Resolution by which this election is called? FOR ENTERING INTO THE CONTRACTU AGAINST ENTERING INTO THE CONTRACTU To vote in favor of the foregoing proposition place a cross (x) in the square after the words "FOR ENTERING INTO THE CONTRACT." To vote against the foregoing proposition, place a cross (x) in the square after the words "AGAINST ENTERING INTO THE CONTRACT." Copies of the proposed Supplemental Repayment Contract are available for inspectio nat the following places: Salt Lake County Juab County Office of the Salt Lake County Clerk . Office of the Juab County Clerk City and County Building County Court House Salt Lake City, Utah Nephi, Utah Utah County Piute County Office of the Utah County Clerk Office of the Piute County Clerk County Court House County Court House Provo, Utah Junction, Utah Wasatch County Millard County Office of the Wasatch County Clerk Office of the Millard County Clerk County Court House County Court House Heber City, Utah Fillmore, Utah Summit County Garfield County Office of the Summit County Clerk Office of the Garfield County Clerk County Court House County Court House Coalville, Utah Panguitch, Utah Duchesne County Sevier County Office of the Duchesne County Clerk Office of the Sevier County Clerk County Court House County Court House Duchesne, Utah Richfield, Utah Uintah County sanpete County Office of the Uintah County Clerk Office of the Sanpete County Clerk County Court House County Court House Vernal, Utah Manti, Utah Said special election shall be held in the following consolidated voting districts of the District established for said election by the Board at the following polling places within said districts. Electors are advised to vote at the polling place for the consolidated voting district in which they reside. The election judges and the alternate election judlge who have been appointed to conduct the special election at each polling place are as follows: Regular Consolidated Voting Voting Districts District Polling Place Judges of Election i hi o t UT177 Sego Lily Elementary Karen Calton R R ,0 550 E. 900 N. DeloresClegg 5. 6. 8, 10 U(ah Caudia Smart n-12'1-5 Dimple Mellor (Alt.) Lehi! 4 UT178 Lehi Junior High" Fawn Peet ' 152 North Center Ruby Gerber 7' 9 Lehi, Utah Annette McClure Dena Smith (Alt.) Cedar Fort UT179 Chamberlain home Belva Chamberlain 11 Center Highway 73 Donna B. Cook Ilene Cook Marie Allred (Alt.) Fairfield UT180 Tom Anderton home Maureen Anderton 17870 W. 1500 N. La Neel Jensen Fairfield, Utah Margot Riehle V Denise Bell (Alt.) Highland 1 UT181 Highland Elementary Jeniel Westwood 2, 3 . 10865 N. 6000 W. Iris Adams Highland, Utah Lynette Chidester Spencer M. Bennion (Alt.) Alpine 1, UT182 Alpine City Hall Renee Bennett 2, 3 Alpine, Utah Colleen Robinson ; ... . ,. Betty Tirrell Linda Pehrson (Alt.) ATI, 2, 3 UT183 Greenwood Elementary Leona A. Grant 4, 11, 15, 50 E. 200 S. Joy Bowmar 16 American Fork, Utah Wilma Mortensen Roberta Keller (Alt.) AF5, 6, 7 UT184 Shelley Elementary Elaine Garlick 12,19 550 N. 200 W. Connie Nielsen American Fork, Utah Irene Ellison . Priscilla Matthews (Alt.) , AF8, 9,1Q UT185 American Fork High Margaret Malone 13, 14, 17, 510 N. 600 E. Marilyn Greenwood 18 American Fork, Utah Bonnie Ivie Cleah Fowler (Alt.) PG1, 2, 3 UT186 Grovecrest Elementary Ef fie Adams 11, 12, 13, 200 E. 100 N. Janice Peacock 14 Pleasant Grove, Utah Louise Nielsen Donna Brock (Alt.) PG 4, 5, 6 UT187 Valley View Elementary Ranae Ashton 7,8,9 ' 941 Orchard Drive Elaine Keel 10 . Pleasant Grove, Utah Delma MacFarlane Jeniel Fugal (Alt.) Lindon 1, UT188 Lindon Elementary Shirley N. Matthews 2, 3, 4 30 N. Main Barbara Walker Lindon, Utah Linda Preece Norma Brown (Alt.) The voting at such special bond election shall be by ballot, which ballots will be furnished by the Secretary of the District to the judges of election, to be by them furnished to the qualified voters. The polls at said polling places will be open from 7:00 o'clock a.m. to 8:00 o'clock p.m. There will be no special registration of voters for the special election and the official register last made or revised shall constitute the register for such election, except that the county clerks for Salt Lake County, Utah County, Wasatch County, Summit County, Duchesne County, Uintah County, Juab County, Piute County, Millard County, Garfield County, Sevier County and Sanpete County will register at their offices during regular office hours, except Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, and except during the 10 day period immediately preceding the special election, any person who on the day of the election will be a qualified elector and will register such person as provided by law. The county clerks of each county encompassing portions of the District will cause registration agents in the District to make registration lists or copies of such lists available at the above described polling places within their respective counties for use by registered electors entitled to use such voting places. Absentee ballots may be obtained by any person otherwise eligible to vote at the special election but who, on the day of the election, expects to be temporarily absent from the county in which they are registered to vote or disabled on the day of the election, by making application in the manner and time provided b y law, either by mail or in person at the office of the Secretary of the District, P.O. Box 427, 355 West 1300 SOuth, Orem, Utah 84057. PUBLIC NOTICE is further given that on Nov. 26, 1985, that being a day not later than 10 days after said special election, the Board of Directors will meet at its regular meeting place at 355 W. 1300 South in Orem, Utah at 10:00 o'clock a.m., and canvass the returns and declare the results of said special election. GIVEN by order of the Board of Directors of the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State of Utah, this 10th day of October, 1985. s Robert B. Hilbert Chairman, Board of Directors of the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State of Utah Attest: s Don Christiansen Secretary, Board of Directors of the Central Utah Water Conservancy District, State of Utah Published in the American Fork Citizen, Pleasant Grove Review and Lehi Free Press Oct. 23 and 30, Nov. 7 and 13, 1985. |