Show spring samples of wallpaper I 1 haye have just received alfred tests peats mammoth book of spring samples of wall paper and am ain prepared to take orders phone or call and let me in show you the samples mrs hople and figure with vou von on what you need for your home hom e better still let me call at your home and show you the samp les ady adv tf gro dependable goods i y y i j THAT IS THE KIND YOU WANT AND THE KIND WE CARRY I 1 y our prices are as low as they can be made taking into consideration the high quality of 0 the goods we handle i y EVERY department in our store is filled with dependable goods good and we will T be pleased to have you call and examine thern them to see is ia to be convinced and when ben you purchase liage you will know that you save money by dealing with us i SPRING GOODS COMING f we have coming a large shipment of opting goods gooda which i will be here soon A splendid assortment of the kind of goods the people of this thia part of the country want i i i i to M y awn fi winter time Is planning time NOW MW is the time to plan your new buildings planning in advance saves eaves waste it insoles bui building leing it outlines our work and enables you to for it ir customers aid r i this farm better shape to nerve you than ever be fore every month we add dozens of ideas to it until now it presents presenta the highest fairn of building help let it do for you as aa it has haa dune done for hundreds eds of practical pra cical farmers ta amers throughout utah solve your b building 11 i iding problems in the permanently way B 17 NIVE va ILL E LUMBER i CD i a la tm milford lund modena PASSENGER AND EXPRESS SERVICE john announces that he will make regular trips trip to milford via beaver city twice a week and will carry passengers passenger and express mr Mor tenon has haa just purchased one of the noted dodge bros broa commercial cars and is prepared to give satisfactory service if you want passage paa aage or have light express you wish brought from milford leave word at the parowan carowan auto company offices essa ess a as COFFEE we have some real rio COFFEE equal to the best put up i expressly or us I 1 parowan carowan drug co the busy store start 6 a ja ss asi s ss ss Is fw I 1 THE OVERDRAFT MUST GO 00 following is ia a paragraph from a letter dated dec 5 1 1917 from W E hiang ran bank k commissioner addressed to the cashier your attention hai been previously called to the niclous habit of permitting pel pei milting overdrafts over drafta in your bank and I 1 hope it wilt will not be nece oary ary to again call yom attention to this matter and re that from now on this thia practice cease so 0 o govern yourself bank ban k of iron county PAROWAN UTAH capital and surplus rill alto zv ii iii i gold mining JUST THE CORRECT TERM FOR PRESENT DAY FARMING the farmer is IT now provided he farms with our IMPORTED FARM MACHINERY dont guib glob along with faulty plows bairow and other tools toola while we have a complete line of the most pei feet labor kavilis farm Mach machinery on the mailet the man mho ho neglects neglect neg lecta il to get all possible fiant hii soil is ia neglecting a gold mine right at his hia feet our tools toola will help you mine your gold ABIG A BIG SHIPMENT OF SPRING DRESS GOODS IS ON THE WAY WATCH FOR FURTHER announcement PROU COOP CO OP RSS 0 L b |