Show how washington 50 uee arkelin ar kefin og alls wh I 1 ki ill 1 s IV K i ll 11 it ST N 17 4 41 soon HI HE one hundred and eighty sixth 1 I of the ahda birth arth of theorge WIm washington clon reminds one of many III things he and among them the fact that 1 y 11 the Is cott cost of living was wai nn cl eco problem in ft ashing to ton a as it la Is now new fur far ler ier the first president set bet an ex ample v alch Is 11 being followed today it in borne sections of the country with all the acclaim of something new the markets are being opened lor for the purpose of 0 bringing the farm products to lo the consumer to the exclusion of the tha midd middleman are by no means a lemUre joby t twentieth ditth century I 1 invention tin mt M t people don t know that george corg wash ington essayed I 1 truck it gardening and the maintenance b ile of f a market wagon go to the no small blessing but the social of some Alexand rians but it Is a fact we read so eo much of the groaning board steaming meaning joints of 11 1 luscious 1 rare fare of all sorts in the days of colonial 11 in plenty that we a think the period a time of feasting and ad unlimited limited has duties dance and recall but few of the hard ships of which there were mere many it was to provide variety and ad to make his neighbors more satisfied with ith their lot that washington sent his market wagon just once in so often to alex aiex anden loaded with the products product of if the farmyard farm fari vard nvard and the field of mount version vernoa history does not tell us whether washington co reached tied the hearts of his associate more dpn speedily by the short route rout of it their err stomachs but there la Is no doubt that hi his miss fo forethought rin bought brought him both gratt gratl tude ind and ad substantial Is reward rd th the ct crt to in town I 1 old parson we who mho has chatted so glibly about life 1 in tells us that there was a time there when ahen the tire town u had more reason to boost boast of it inq beauty than its ita capacity to glad don den the inner man to quote quite that reverend eren d clor chronicler acler the neighborhood of belle he hai en such sell was a alexandrine alexandria a emly eaily rome name was not lt a it desert e it on the Is contrary it u waa i in in many adv pl places a ces a garden garde spot spin abounding wit with ImI luxuries urles but its I 1 in bob habitants 1 mom the wealth were ere not wise by the alie successful culture of tobacco th they y had bad money and having filled their conch coach houses w ith gilt car regg and their dining rooms moms with i gilt ailt glasses thes began to look down iru upon upa the pooler sort and to talk about fille f ille of course it would never do tor for such people to run ran market eme caits I hence the poor belle havn havin its ites though em bosomed in plenty were often offe in danger of gnawing their mill and unless they could old cater ter n 11 lamb an from some good natured cra ikei or a lh leash of old chickens gen f aiom the lie imam to negroes A were obliged to sit mt down with long faces face to H half it it dinner I 1 of salt t meat cut and ad journey cake this 0 was the order ot of the it div A D 59 when ben anas washington h agton just married to th tha athy wealthy mang ng aid widow cn C n had bad settled at mount vern vernon nine tallo 11 below bell belle haven 1111 the ain inc pleasant amit situation Boa tion of the firu illos fit eliat place soon moin reached li lil ears to vois a aar imn or of his character mr te with wi h too to much spirit to follow a bad when acm he tied the power to set Geta a good one and too much nit to look for happiness anywhere 5 but it in b hla is own b bosom I 1 it could not lot long in g be questionable what but part he be had to act A market curt cart was as instantly con and regularly three times a week eek sent off to belle haven filled with mith nice kidney covered lamb and veal Us green goess geese fat ducks n and it gobblers gobbler chickens chicken b by that the b basket fresh freh bottei batter ne new I 1 told laid egg ege vegetables suit and fruit of all 1 sorts soo C country antry g gen a its dining with their finds in ia town very cry so soon rom remarked kd the AIco welcome mue change in diet bless us all exclaim ed ad thoy they amite w hat a the meaning rig ot of tills this you toil invite va Is to family y fre fare and here hem iou no amye given us a lord mayors mayor feast left lea replied the oth or ers thank god for sending a colonel WI washington Ington into our beig neighborhood floo the cut cat was thus let out of the bag to the e extreme atrz is 1 mortification of the little great creat ones that colonel washington should ever nave have rum nia a market cart famous carlyle house the market where washington sent hla file farm plo products ducts lav in the heart beart of alexandria and up upon a square i about which stood some of the towns aca n S most noted and ad landmarks among these was the carale carl to house and despite the passage of time and the physical changes wrought in that quaint virginia city this till historic home boom atiles ati les intact today ills house louse is intimately identified with mith IN A s care career and it particularly with the very beginning of his will mill tary calling As the alie story goes it the bricks brick for the building were imported suit and so too the mno of which alch it wui was built 1 in 1732 john S clivie carl vie utilized tor for part of the f foundation aaion a P portion or tin of an old f fort it which belh nom many emna ears earlier had stood guird guid a against alast the indiana indian for the prote protection ethin of english traders on hunting C creek as the in place C wa then he I 1 in known the rhe barracks of that ad v vancel are post of if became tire the ullar cellar of the carbide house and there them in its cool shado shadows was mes stored the mellow wine hie that tickled the potato palates of those do ans I 1 from the heavy be beams over liend tired hung pendant the luscious overtired over hams A for which inch I 1 1 ti still noted led another part ot of the old fort supports the plaza in za at the reir of the house upon up a which the 1 hill ends it was there of summer evenings v ein that the Ca rivies and their g guests no As gath gathered C red and it an was there the men it discussed ahe he oc problems of the th A hour oer a heart h cart some glass glahs amid the soothing smoke of ahe lie fragrant oronogo then the gardens garit it ran dotan a to in it the river rivers look bank I 1 abid overlooked it the docks at alch it the trading craft were morn moored 1111 that came air from oer mer the seas to loo bar ter the sill s and ad riches of the far rust ast it the pl det of europe and ad the tropic abundance of if the west iddles in 1 for f the famous tobacco with which alch alexandria m sirl s 1 one I giom gibat amr ware 1 awo r house way klasmi filled ll 11 washington was use a sely f ion t guest at the garble cible house and one ann cnn easily imagine I 1 gin the die P part it he ald 1 in ih tant t atmosphere tc of f bounteous hospitality ho and aej court ly grace tradition he has it ft that it was ame 1 in hat but very sious house I 1 that it washington anit int one of in his fe few defeats on the right of the file broad hallway Is what was once a di it owing room mom said laid to hove have been tin laed originally in white and ana gold god and there ther on many I 1 ny or orsome occasions some W washington took an active part in the social fes ghitlea lead leading fing many a fair virgin tan through the stately state minuet rod and the less formal reel jbv the hot hallway way itself if tradition be correct bas has its own timen fill in interest f for it was tah at the toot it of the b beautiful em ticul sm staircase hr case of wild olid gumbl iam that W washington awaited the coming aull S of lovely ally 1 fairfax wit up upon a corti certain evening and ad nhit while es coi tine her to the bell ballroom offer offered d that lady his heart and was refused on I 1 the h ap opposite pp side do of this same game hall Is 1 the blue and oil white I 1 in room which was use sohn john carples particular retreat or sanctum that room la of especial interest to us ns as a nation for it mas w as there that fl Ti ashington re calved his commission as a member of general r Ernd doch a staff shift 1 in what washington 1 learned arned up upon that dis disastrous tra campaign I 1 or alft the 1 in deans rod and with british sold soldiers lers taught him much which buch later ter he put to good service in b behalf bolf of his country braddock took P sion W hen braddock arrived he accept ed it the proffered hosp hospitality to ty of john ca carlyle I 1 lyle and established headquarters there the little blue and ad white whit to room became the military council chamber and it was as there that the plans plane were made for the campaign n a previous as a leader of vir VB glin ginia troops troop against the mig mi savages g made ad him all it the more ere welcome nt at the con ferenczi ferenc feren cei eg and his keen been judgment and practiced practical advice earned carried for far him brad dock s admiration find and n non on for him his big colonelcy upon the generate general s staff we ali who count at conr it dollar delta ond ad mike ke our I 1 pui chases ties 1 in hard col coin lift but little realize the part the vile ovile weed P loved e in all commercial trims transactions ahme 1 in vr VIC your years ago 9 the emarl fragrant or oronogo it tobacco had a fair fame which mob reached ched to europe and this As was the common medium of exchange the C of as it were acre bought ass the lorld bricks with ith wh which 1 h old christ church in alex alexandria a A ani built 1 in 1773 T the he church w was as designed so it ills his been slid by one a james wren reputed to have been a relative of the architect t of londona Lon dons famous st paul pants s worshiped at christ church history to tella its us ui that it was am milli within fin the shadow of 0 that so fia crout cred structure after services one sun sam day morning in the summer bummer of 1774 that Is he earnestly advocated the renunciation tell of if all allegiance glince to the king hing of england abw always deliberate aal d it intensely ly n dr drat devout at 1 one I can gather ng of t the spell all which his b Is words mord in have cast upon his fellow ch churchmen h upon I 1 that h occasion there are many houses in 11 alexan I 1 arla ria today thit were in their alexana prime abu when was wai 1 in thole their midst and it clorety identified dentition with the them not of go 14 socially but officially intermit toutin during his youth and just prior to his death |