Show 1111 WORK of I 1 iron on county chapter of the american Amei ican red crosa cro the officers of the iron county chapter of the american red cross are delighted with the work done thus thug far the women folks espee lally ally sm are to be commended for their most moat excellent efforts from every branch and auxiliary come reports of good work in most cases the supplies committee members are delighted with the quality of work the older women have led out in the knitting but many of the younger classes are now learning the first shipment being sent out today tells a story of loyalty on the part of the women of iron county that the people might know a little of the operations of the chapter and what is expected of them the chairman has the following to report and suggestions tiona Ka narra E ench ech ch and hamiltons fort make their reports re porta obtain materials from the chapter and ship out articles through the cedar city branch the cedar city branch a in dependant of the chapter in the matters of receiving materials from denbei and shipping articles to denver all other communities of the county do business direct with clients chapter headquarters at parowan carowan As a matter of convenience cedar and parowan carowan will do their packing and shipping together as much as possible each community is for ane present at least independent financially of the chapter no par portion tie of mem main barlup dues or contributions collected in any branch will be sent to the chapter except on order of the executive committee deavera Den vers vera portion of membership dues 50 tents centa for annual and 1 25 for magazine must be reported to the chapter materials purchased thru the chap ter must be paid for by the branch ordering all other money of the branch may be spent locally for the purchase of materials and payment of incidental expenses strict ac counting to toe lue chapter must be made however at the end of each month every community should have a finance committee whose duty it is to raise money in such ways as best besl fit the particular town A canvas for subscriptions giving parties auction sales of salvage articles are suggestive the men should feel fee an especial concern in this work as aa the women have plenty to do with the knitting needles and sewing machines machine if old materials are used haec the articles made are useful and the demand for money will be lessened i every branch should be alive to the work and meet all demands there are a few people in every communities who were away during the drive or for some other reason have not yet joined the great organization local officers should see that these people are vi sited and caged to become members the chapter school committee with sapt nuttall as Chairman will make an effort to enlist most of the schools of the county as aa junior auxiliaries membership in this division is per child but it is suggested that the necessary amount be raised by me as a unit rattier rather than by membership fee we hope parents will aid in this great movement as their children will ret get such teaching and training as will assist in making them useful and patriotic As to the real work we hope that all will feel a responsibility most of the work should be done at home call at your local headquarters and the women will put you to work clipping rags for pillows or making any of the many articles that can be made at home at odd moments dont wait for your officers to call you up to tell you what to do get buty busy bu ty yourselves when your grand child asks you what ou on did in the world war it will give you joy to be able to say 1 I wei wai a real red grow crosa worker we wish to express our appreciation of the efforts effort of so ao many I 1 in the county espi cally those of the women who are devoting so BO much of their ability and time we wish to acknowledge the kindness of the editors of the county papers papera they are willing to give any amount of time and space to the red crow croaa cause geo A mitchell Mt chapter chairman |