Show sm THE DEEP SEA 15 A by VICTOR ROUSSEAU L r copyright by law W G 0 Cha chapado capron Ch pron paso is CHAPTER XI continued co termed 13 of resume course I 1 love lose y you u he responded handly small somehow his heart was wai utterly siver overcast clist it w was a as if lly be had bad looked let into the face of I 1 immortal mm dif call beauty of course I 1 love you we wont t you try to weep ida be asked y yes s she answered releasing be her r belt f but you dou alove t love me do don n ad aid d I 1 know anil and slowly she withdrew withdraw into her sm bill leaving caving donald n prey to late intense te b wilderment and despair who was oas she ehe this almost i invisible didble b beauty tv had she followed him here her aboard the ship or burning behind the submarine was she another mom cies of tile lie sea me devils suddenly sudden hur for the first time since their conversation he recalled masterman a s words 1 I b brought gh t my specimen home with me a think of ef that she w ant to eat but they due don t tot eat after they am mature far donald now new it ft dmn fame to vall donald 1 d with concu U alon that the old captain n had had ref arence ce to t this Is woman I 1 and eu straining raining his eyes through the d he saw her again but this time there sea was visible upon pon berut her rf face a an expression so pitiful that it almost brought the tests to donalds md eye eyes she n was as watching him with a dumb yearning coming of inexpressible pathos paint that look fool re reminded f donald of the old legend del lold of the it mermaid aid who be could obtain bmw a soul only from some human lover locer an idea came to him ile he would go up op into ato the conning ing tow tower in that narrow 1 space he could see her better and ad understand what she he m vaa but I 1 as he stood food in the passage at the bottom of the t trapdoor apdo ap dD clowns clonts appeared before it him 1 it occurred to donald afterward that he had bad been there tor for a considerable time its it s at all right sir said mid cleats bow me you told me to call you when you was to go on duty and ad it s all 11 right where all 11 righta right it demanded doll do don rid bid its it s all right sir I 1 understand such auch ehg things r 0 saad fit alarta clouts clauta what the devil are am you talk bon ing n about t it its all ail right sir air replied clouts clonts tor cur the third time pula pointing ng before ill him and in the passage bot more or the than a doren feet away donald saw the worn a an s form ills his anger vanished he took the bailor by the a arm clonts he said do you suppose we call could d get her into the conning tov to er 1 I dont know sir said clouts clonts shaking his head bond if she shea sell 1 to go ga sr that a the question sir C clonts clouts u tai donald 3 voice seek sank to a whisp you must understand that flat this thin IS isn t a wt w woman at t least not at a lu human in one n she ills ashe he s quite ut a BO it if I 1 might 1 say so ao or there them said cleats and do you think you could get her bar ill thare caunce clouts scratched hla his head 1 I top sup pose ose so sire sir lie he answered ab but tolled she d h have am to come com I 1 out I 1 again you know what miter I 1 intend said old D donald ill it back into the water through the airlock push her 1 in air sira lead her in clouts clonts put on my cost coat and let her follow you y u then when you ve g got at h her at inside code put on ill the ahlo last diving dress and see that she that she d doen ailt t come back I 1 do don t mean you to hurt her she can live under the water you know and while youre you re about it clout blonti you might see if y you on car can adjust the rud der for r a mom moment an t clout and his cap ro t tain at looked held hard let into m each h others other a syn eyes thu then clown grim face softened putting it his I 1 a hands to hla his pocket he drew out ills hia mouth organ and the nor goft trains strains of annie rooney booney went op in into to the air clout played it fa with quiet resolution 1 I 11 do it sir he said 0 agold done donald ill turned forced and nd saw aw that the of tile the sra sea stood exactly where she pha I 1 ima it been th throughout gh I 1 that I 1 later inter blew she had ad not of M harred d he a mam waited while chun clauta found the mat last diving suit to in the storeroom and then the two went sent back into the mom mesa room re a presently clout emerged so en cased in his cylinder and holding the glass mask it la bis held hand about abler bis about he a wore I 1 donald s coat don old aid w waited but he hearil heard the conning tower trapdoor do er close clean a and it after that he be could he hear or nothing thing he waited visited we aa indefinite time bad suddenly denly B mat caping Ma ping of wa tot tec told him bull that the lor amels lei els of the m sea we were being agitated by the condensed condon aed oxygen la in tho airlock there ollo wod silence the sounds bounds were cut a oft abruptly and tar for a long time donald waited HN his seren WM so BO tense least that vba vb be a C flouts fault opened the door he be started georied vio atly he peered into the setters settees toi tecc I 1 v ve done it sir said bald clients she fill followed ime ed me ilk like like a dog air ir and I 1 saw lier her eyes when I 1 D noted bushed her law into the later and I 1 dont cont want to see a a seek mok ike met bof it ft felt ilk like 1 mur I 1 gocr isor sense claimed D donald ld EIO you know perfectly ft ell eh clout that she he gasn cwm t I 1 on board when we started therefore she must have come in ID with ft ath us from the sea aea bottom botte in 1 I gnott 1 at air said chod clonts thinking his hl head beed mournfully then unable his to control himself he clapped his hand to his mouth ill urge organ and donald waited alone sleepless while the dreary night wore on CHAPTER XII afloat and ashore ile he must have haie fallen into a light doze e at last for he awakened to had find davis at his side aide the middy voice ire cleft the thick darkness like ft a knife we re done for far old man danl I 1 he whispered wed we d better tot not awaken her list listen I 1 heretofore no sound fro from without had penetrated the thin plates of the submarine but now donald distinctly heard a cracking king lolae else ew aa if some alone pressures pressure were being exerted against the aide of the vessel sam were breaking up sir you mean 1 tt it a that gang of devils donald do you mind letting me sri grip your arm a minute ur it s in a way disturbing the grew louder the plates were groaning under pressure and it Z seemed ever every instant that the rivets would start and ad th the water tr rush on 1 in it its the weight eight of the he ocean a over us devi mid saad donald without the faintest faith in this diagnosis but this pressure Is 11 horizontal not of vertical at teal donald and water has baa no horizontal pleasure at all donald was silent he would not but voll voice what me waa 1 in if his a ow own mind led bt bit b t he knew that bit explanation was no noa sense case in meant coat to deceive not of only D da vies but himself also too the sea men inon star must at be pushing against the hot torn tom of the to break her ty by their own weight and get at their prey play with in maddened by hunger in those bar ren mr solitudes of darkness they were a fres frenzied edsil stay army of destruction he ee wondered addred whether cleats clonts act was in any way the cause ot of this now new activity tim the pressure inc increased it the steel PI plates area crackled be as trees map adap in zero month weather r donald looked up rod and saw ida st standing illg 1 in the doorway 1 Is anything wrong she asked coming in forward to donald he be could not answer her and she did not repeat the question but stood pw N 1 looking 0 over the rock they saw a man in a large Motor motorboat boaL looking latently intently at the two men who watched each other it was impossible that ida could help understanding C the meaning of the sounds without blo bhe rown came ca close to D donald ill I 1 forgive me a for what I 1 said d dear so r she ahe whis paced clinging to hla his arm 1 I was so BO afraid not of death dearest but of the loneliness I 1 in that room I 1 was afraid for ou on he patted be her or arms without speak peak ing 19 bud and led the way to the conning tower aleto it was preferable that they should to die to it if they must by our but coredo fo catlon rather inthe than in the maw of maw the monsters enter net sed with within those these stout w walla of at steel sel they cowd could at least he hope 1 to find ad a pr perpetual tl tomb b the there tile the pressure brus re waa vers still increasing the floor of the conning tower began to tilt surely society this was the me end but the floor righted tilted filled a once more a A so sense so of movement at be BUC ceedee that hot of pre pressure re th n 0 o their utter litter amazement a whitte walta aught shot through the ob observant port don flooding the inside of the conning tower ind and the scraped the rocks rocha on abild grasped at davies davis wo we are at the surface again I 1 he cried there them was waa DO doubting it th the flooded the interior of 0 the tower bud nd before their eyes seen through the port wore were the rugged out t lines ot of fair island the moa stera must have raised the aub submarine marine by y the united force of their massed bodies this time said donald we w are going bob ashore to ater toy acim I 1 a aard id ajie solemnly sole nd it the the grasped lump linnca A few later they emerged 1 upon pon the drying deck its it of the she was waa back 1 in ile her old position portion upon the tha shelving beach at the very tery edge of 0 the do waves the moon which rode do high 1 in the sky was already paling before the increasing bestir lust r of the do dawn whores where a clutter asked donal donall l suddenly accident Is isn t h he below queried device davies donald raised his hi voice and shouted he ran below calling for clouts clonts but there ther came no BO answer it soon became evident that claths cloths was not of on the tha submarine G good gd d lord I 1 said D donald 16 it occurred to him the then that he had bad told clout clonts to look nt at the rudder but he had never ever supposed opposed that the man would be able to adjust it had he forgotten gone balk baek to adjust it and ad failed to return an he ha took a couple of revolvers and ad gave one of the them to davie dadles they went want ashore th the jar firm rocks rock under foot seemed earned the roost most delicious del dons part of their strange fortune and gave reality t y ih to what we waa still hardly more than a d dream they knew that there was no danger of attack in the moonlight nevertheless they remained near the boat and e each ill of them called tor far clemts clouts firing his re revolver brier and ad listening far or any response but there was no response it was evident that for some reason mason unknown clout had gone into it the sea the they went to a cave and b began so to 0 make a quick examination of it in the e midst of this work a whirring sound red came to their ems eais it was that of ago a gas emd engine looting looking over the rocks they saw a man ln in a large motorboat hurrying round d the re D donald id hailed boiled P him with a yell there came no do in an abt but the boat beat continued to make toward them the man in the boat raised his head it we was M beard he upped stopped a the engine and lay to beat about a cou couple P le of hundred yards yarda away he drew a hand kerchief from com hla his pocket and ad waved or it it the d n rogue I 1 I 1 muttered uttered ro de da PS raising his revolver it was as indeed professor Mac Ma Beard elleard and he appeared distressed at least he flew the distress or poetry parley signal and his movements move menta seemed emed altogether ze more agitated and his demeanor less 1 I ami blood bland then than on 11 tile the preceding afternoon f whatever hla his nocturnal Smet ermil work had been it seemed armed to have been cut short ort ah oy y the tha dawn do which bad driven drive the t monsters to seek shelter better la 1 the it is ocean depths dep ills he seemed to have mine come from f com the other oth S r side of the island truce trai c a I 1 I 1 he be seemed to shout about although ill ough the th e sound echoing from rock to rock was waa not clearly edible audible truce I 1 I he waved wave d tile the handkerchief frantically donald end and davis fired together inath e they saw the bullets boilers strike the water met en Mac Beard crouched cro down behind the th a engine there could be no partying parleying parl par eying lying with such ell as an he they emptied their heir t weapons in their fury f ary Mac Beard d w sia just out of range he started at ft e d the engine coot train again and came to a halt h 1 fifty yards yarda further farther at sea at truce I 1 I 1 want we to speak to you ark bethur he veiled tel sit they aimed their empty revolvers sea Mac M Beard started tor for safety hla his boat di appealed round a distant point or of the island the h neall 1 1 said donald then he be turned far oe to danlea well we 11 take on supplies at a any arte rate 11 he sold said one thing la is sur aure those th 0 e devils dells might raise the submarine but they c so can never sink mak her once the tha tanks tanha or are blown they were blown when we submerged ou air bard anaw Bc ered rd the middy the deflected rudder kept us down but we can cant t go down hudeas w we I 1 try to start her mlis miss kennedy cl 1 donald id called to ida who he had disappeared within the tha cs cave she did not answer him and the two men approached to summon her but just within the cave they saw something that revived for a moment the old horrors horror which they had escaped they were two human toni team with fragments of el clothing near them donald stooped and picked up a now morsel khaki government li khaki I 1 he saad ill 1 I wonder who w s but the explanation became too ob how was projecting from behind a rock near by they saw the wing of an th tho missing mii slag dawm aviators had b been S found an and 1 I the manner of theli their do death th was 0 only my too a clear they must h havo bom been seized while sleeping by the sea devils the airplane which we was of a the hydroplane pepe had evidently been drew drawn within ethl the corn cave and left there them by tile the nv latora A hasty basty examination showed based donald that it was brief uninjured ad perhaps macord had bad intended to make use rise of it or it was possible that h be had bad not lot seen it lot for it 11 was hardly deim distinguishable I 1 able among the tha shadow miss mine kennedy 1 called donald ida I 1 where are yosa dont don t go too tire far to 1 tic answer n came and they saint began to t grow cow enfa ay 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