Show went well down dow a with the sh ship attention has been efti officially ally called to the signal bravery of hubert am ale b burne or me a navy lary radio electrician of tile the first lass who nho went dofan dohrn when the united states state or tian port kradic was sunk oak amien the file BUS alis struck An andouin auburne dourn and a fel felloe 1 ct let net nam mi sd d ver w ere p i in the its r ra 1 dlo dic room me ausburne Ans burne re alling ng the se arlouine rlou ine of tile hie I tet told liis ilia fi fel to loft emker to get on U his life ver lor A As lie left to till I 1 I 1 its his emorgene tiner geno at nation atlon dt at the adio if ke kev ile he 11 ih ted to his comp ilium vie nile itile the t win of ilan going to the radio room Mif Ali Milion Mili a fail found ad it idled and ad renti ing thit the step ship was fast sinking attempted to get ausburne Ausbur nc out but without |