Show WHEAT AND MEAT CONSERVED much can be saved by use of various substitutes tot 1 in arranging lunch for far children W wheat old and meat cut can n be caved red 1 in hands tho thousands u of lunches carried each morning to school by the children of this nation there is no seed need to de c crease I 1 the energy value or nourish ment of these lunches but in addition to saving wheat beat and meat it la Is P poa sib elble with till the lot various dista substitutes dis tw to give a pi pleasing variety to the noon meal bat at school since whatever meat brought from froat home Is usually in the for form of 11 id alches the problem of of tile the amel meatless touch lunch Is not of hard bard tor for so be man many good sand sandwith mith fillings other than meet meat afa 40 easy to secure here are a few sug ing gest lons ions for sandwich fillings fil linga chop ped hard bard boiled egg mixed with salad di easing diersing peanut butter cottage or cream cheese chopped dates and nuts all are good bud and the children will like them a as well 11 so as meat for the atless day the tha sand band w athes are more of a problem but toasted corn muises rye bread oat meat meal bread or oatmeal or corn wafers me can take the place of the bread made of wheat only the fillings can be ba nuth mg usually used A sweet meet such na as chopped fruits bad and nuts pressed and cut in cubes or slices a piece of chocolate or oatmeal cook les im wilt will find favor with fill the children in pines of the cooky or cake made from wheat four flour sandwiches fruit and a sweet make maha asgood a good lunch especially if top supplement P armant ed by a cupful of hot cocoa or er soup made do at school hurt and ad containing some burns in milk ilk or the lunch brought from here conr in may b be a even simpler plain bread and an apple or other fruit are enough it if the hot dish prepared at school la is a hearty one |