Show destroy this thin kouw house post pest the silver flah fish like insect known as silverfish or sticker slicker Is a troublesome pest in many homes where it to la found in books papers paper clothing and other article containing starch it Is par ti barly destructive in libraries being fund fond of the paste used in the bind ing of books frequently it feeds on the paste used in applying viall paper it to scale off it also do dum alem Starl starched hed clothing hn linen I 1 sell and cur tot tiling if left urell undisturbed tor fee bay any c conald erable erabia period of ulna time nearly a aery h housewife ts is familiar with this thin ob oknox tax elife loua little attl pest past which 1 Is able to run tun about with great rapidity though though they my know it by some other I 1 nume me the silverfish 6 out oue of the best beat remedies for silverfish la is PYro pyrethrum sodium a most meet efficient much dmd powder I 1 Is also an ef remedy it may by he be dusted or applied with mith the blue mr w wherever brever the fib la Is likely to occur frequent handling and ad airing of starched clothing and WU on ob mill aid in ill it destruction A 4 thin boiled starch pate past do made ide of three thre junr tra ounce of powdered white I 1 HP and one plot pint of floor floar Is a good repealed poisoned bait m hen spread Bri pad upon small pieces piece of cardboard bud put in pierce by silverfish As aa this paste Is 11 1 ery cry polso poisonous mess it should do be kept astir out of reach much of children |