Show CURIOUS condensations florida id C tail about 4 acres acre of land waiting to be reclaimed by d ding ing contracts contract lor for draining almost the entire coal ii liae been ninde ads adoc A dog in Henni fler N H to in pur kursu 1 ing g fl climbed I 1 fr to limit to limb of u true tree to a fit 40 I 1 feet fact it m took mh h I 1 the alp ilp of t three bu boit to rot get him down A compass pa I ald in prance for or a later h th the deli ilion hon eimu any bet it ison course e 1 in nd dillon t ion to P pointing 1 1 I to word ward the coith lh A t fruit truller with fth a cap BY of a toti tem of coul coal ond and which cal he be imalle behind a nina boit automobile has been invented A an electrical device driece of in vent to to n moving train to set a signal fukei los use of if n sibet sinking ing or of n rail at atrain n n finel or it th the we use of the magnetic amanette ingli to remove a particles of certain metals froni from mater lol 1 in bo halli 1 k liis e ic tended d 1 to 31 1 dif ditTer ishm t |