Show misinformation A prominent southern jurist in addressing 9 a el dasa of or young me men in a prep school khoo I 1 out outlining I 1 ming the reasons for america being at war with the central centra powers rowers among other things says say we freed cuba and thi P philippine h lipome L islands inlands 1 ends tron from the tyranny of spain a and od they now rejoice in this thia freedom wo we come cans now to the support of france a former noble ally in our struggle for free dum that thai deop people a may remain free and not be crushed to earth by a barbaric iffe foe scientifically skilled to be cruel just such auch erroneous statement no aa the above are responsible for much of the dissatisfaction and disaffect tion in the co country u n y ignorant and unthinking people rather oather from such utterances that lb this country is fighting the battles of france boching could b be farther from the fact had rot not the policy run counter to every interest of the american pe people a Is had not that country leveled an offensive directly at as we would still be found adhering to the policy of neutral neutrality ty the policy to which we desperately tried to cling even in the face of repeated insults and eggres aiona mn had germany in the spring of 1917 in good faith carried out her promises in regard to submarine warfare president wilson would out not have severed relations rela tiona with her other causes might and probably would hae worked a rupture but the direct cause of our entering the fight was germanys germanas Germ anys failure to keep her plighted word in a matter that meant almost the life or death of this country the united states has no quarrel w with it germ germany ny on frances account a T the ll 11 wrongs wrong of that country may and no doubt will add to the zeal wi with h which aich our people will prosecute th the a war but they were no part of this the causes that led to our taking no ac tom tion we are today as aa loyal to the moore e doctrine as any time in our b history at ry the purely national affairs of 1 the old world countries are no cin concern carno of fours ours and never should be we are old ead that since ve a are in the struggle on the entente side aide we can in wine gome measure repay the debt we owe to that plucky b lie but without gre of our own we could not in 10 honor have entered d the cori conflict thet let lat us be honest with our people W we a are in the war be c nude we had come cause to enter just c cause causes piled mount mountain in high we are not net fight tig the battles of any other country we are fighting fieh tine our own battles we shall however fight side adds by side with the entente ax axes armies es 1 in I all aft good fellowship oad glad that we are fighting in the same noble cause zah earth th the preservation of freedom in the |