Show NEW SAW MILL WILL iii BE LOCATED AT HEAD OF LITTLE CREEK PURCHASED BY br SILAS J WARD MAD AND juhn P ORION SHIPMENT NOW BEING beine TOE MADE this section of iron county is to have another saw mill and it will I 1 be locates at the head of little creek in the cents center r of a beautiful groves of yellow pine and red pine timber ze silas le J ward ard and john P orton have been negotiating for the past two months wit with h eastern firms for the purchase of a new saw mill and monday sent the order in for it and it is expected that within three weeks the entire outfit will be here ready for installing in little creek ward and orton state that band the belt of I 1 time in from aich they will cut lumber osof is of generous pro pert portions ions and colista of I 1 yellow pine and red pine the kind of timber that la is needed in this c onty country for finishing purposes it is 13 expected within a month after the arrival of the machinery the in mill i 11 will be ready for operation |