Show LEGAL NOTICE of bond election to be held in each school representative precinct of the iron county school district of iron county utah on Ivi monday ondy march 11 1 I 1 A D 1918 state of utah county of iron iron county school district as pursuant to the authority and di of list certain resolution ind and order duly passed and adopted hv by the board of education of iron county count school De district triet of iron county utah a county school ois arm tot of the first clas at a special meeting thereof held at its office in cedar city in said school he district on monday to wit the sith day of february I A D 1918 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN according acot fing to law that at the bond election hereby called to be held in each school chool re representative precinct of th the iron county district of nf iron county utah on monday to wit the bilth day of march A D 1918 bet between dmn the hours of 2 p in and 8 9 luck p on and at the several polling places therein hereinafter named there will he be submitted to the duly qualified fled vu vo te of said school district the ques t tion ion following for their vote and ana determination thereat to wit it shall the board af if edulan W il iron conte school district of iro iron county utah fur the purpose ul I 1 raising money for purchasing chuot site giles m for building one or more school boo bouses 73 and supplying the same with etith furniture is and sary apparatus be empowered to laue ue tien beg diate and sell the school building budding bocam of said maid achgil sch 01 ol district to loan an amount aggregating the principal sum of forty five thou and 45 it dollars adlar c comprised aneed of 45 bonds numbered consecutively from I 1 to 45 inclusive of the denomination of 1000 each due serially in num er eri I order as follows 2 in each year from the first to the afif teen th year jear both bolh inclusive after date and in each year veir from the s sixteenth ate e nth to the twentieth vear both hel inclusive naive after date bearing interest from their date until paid at the rate of five 5 per Pe per annum lannum payable semiannually semi annually both principal thereof and interest thereon payable parable at the national bank of commerce I 1 in n the city and aly late of new york U S aa the vote vot shall ahall be by bv ballot which will contain the question h herein erem above submitted and ad in addition thereto th easto bunds bonds yes and bonds no and each voter voting in favor of the bonds shall place pines a cross W X in the circle on the ballot opposite and to the tight right of the group of words bonds bonda yes and those qt ot mg im against the bonds bond shall hall p place lace a cross X in the circle on the ballot opposite and to the right of the group of words bonds no and thereby indicate his vote upon the q lection eat submitted the polls for the reception of the ballots test aaa upon said eaid question wid on said day and date and at the sev se eral era hereinafter named polling places in each of the school representative precincts of said maid school district be opened at the hour ot 2 p or and remain open until the hour of 8 p in m of the same day when they shall be closed the polling places for and the names of the judges who shall there at conduct the said election in of the five school representative pre cincis of said school district are as a follows fellow namely representative PRECINCT NO I 1 school house paragonah Para gonah judges W H boardman ardman Ro jeorge W 11 barton C court on rt house parowan carowan Pa rowan judges thomas D ad adams walter waiter C mitchell blanchard whitney representative PRECINCT NO 2 R net bet hall parowan carowan Pa rowan judges kate taylor john wm win T mr school house summit judges judge john job P dalley dailey R canom lawrence mrs herbert white PRECINCT NO 3 old school house cedar city judges J 3 H arrest armstrong g be bengt pat nelson jr 0 f r Fre fretwell befoul house lunch judges M 8 rogerson Ru gerson D W gibson C E jones representative PRECINCT NO 4 new ew school building cedar city judges judged eward parry E lai M corry chas heyborne hey borne school house lund judges H J doolittle J david leigh M mra J 1 A runt root representative PRECINCT NO 5 S choul bin giuse kaoi it judges judge john job platt JW J W berry lou louia s J baker I 1 school house newcastle new castle judges james knell mrs chas hulot hulet joseph joeeph cox only the voters possessing the following qualities qualifications eions will be al lowed to vote at said election and no others every registered voter residing in any school representative district in which any election is 13 held for the purpose of determining the question of issuing bonds for such school d strict and who shall have paid a property tax the therein ren n i in n the v car pro pre ceding such election shall be entitled to vote at any such election challenges for cause by any qualified voter shall be allowed at such election and promptly decided by the judges conducting the same complied compiled laws of utah of 1907 BY ORDER of the board of edu cation of the iron county district of iron county utah made this 4 ath th day of february A 0 1918 IS SEAL ALI U T JONES attest president JANET ROLLO clerk first birst reb 20 last mar 6 |