Show TRIFLE ABOVE THEIR HEADS mystic le letters its so on invitation imitation to dinner had 8 been Mude tood by the invited ile he had just been made vice tent ent in charge of production of a big manufacturing plant 1 I 1 1 now 1 hot you to re 11 vice C president I 1 tn clon charse go of in th the pilot producing dicing end you bould got get a nil I 1 your for lorelen emort toge to gethin thI a oil nd to lain i things over the president asted invite them downtown to mr and have BU an evening cloning with them bou issue imitations orations trat ions do the thing up in IC the new vice president thought it a oily idea so he got out the indita inalta tlona and arranged for a big teed feed at lie hie bottom of the invitations lie he alced the esnil please respond stuff R S V P davs passed and there were no re spouses vice president ed decided to rod on out his foremen were out not coming coining to his party L the marter with you fol fel lows loav he aked one of 0 hla his foremen ive invited you to dinner and not a man among ng vou he has sent cut word ord beat tt did at you a see that R 8 V Y P at the bottom of the ineita ilon yea tes I 1 saw that one foreman replied ches of cut course we me re all 11 coming but us fellows fellon that R S V P stood limit s for or recently selected vile vice areld president t |