Show ulf carowan parowan Pa it ra rowan umes published every wednesday SParow fin d splinting csop company n Y ale aler H boho editor and manager manag subscription RATES one year fa 00 months month 1 00 d ix the month 50 adway payable in ft A dane Entre ned as a second class clasa mail matter at t the post office at parowan carowan utah october 27 1915 A rates made mark known on application prices reasonable parowan carowan Pa rowan utah feb 20 1918 F B C EILERS FICKEN chiropractor 19 years experience parowan carowan utah b V why by should you erect 1 iron fence alst 1 ef no zd and brauti aal aol your property u 2nd and the pound AU and d lih ard 3rd tl 0 goodu w will last nop f ath L lt abo te im you cad buy THEN THE amio T FENCE I 1 mad by R THE STEWART IRON WORKS CO 1 cincinnati OHIO 0 WW ones 31 1 iron FM wow ft IT T IS 13 STRONG ANO AND DURABLE THOS LAWRENCE agent cd car city uth uh what will AN A tva OIL FIELD do for iron county it will bring untold benefits 10 financially and it ll 11 industrially DOES OIL EXIST IN THE PAROWAN DISTRICT 11 91 geological indications are exceptionally favorable and the ex istance of oil 0 can only be determined by i sinking a well to penetrate the and 11 sands to sink the well the parowan carowan oil company wilt will sell a limited amount of treasury stock at five cents per share full paid and assessable non can you afford to refuse to support an enterprise ter prise which means so much to the county and to southern utah LET US HAVE YOUR assistance PAROWAN OIL parowan carowan utah 1 i OFFICE IN TIMES BUILDING CALL OR WR WRITE I 1 L is 4 E R liston listen harness and shoe maker harness oiled oded and repaired shoe repairing a specialty I 1 carry in stoc harness saddles collars bridles Br idies etc P ws uth utah MAKE YOUR FINAL FIN PROOFS and do land business with I 1 W WARNER MITCHELL clerk of ith the district oil court it at t marown 11 utan Z and billil oil ft lil he of hll four icer alpen ence wit write I 1 him for ny information M J macfarlane M 0 hsum surgeon CEDAR CITY UTAH offices in knell block over cedar city drug store baled hay and lucern I 1 io FOR SALE P fl JOHN T MI HELL LICENSED abstracter NOTARY PUBLIC parowan carowan utah f EE w ii s 1 SS 74 SS e i BRING YOUR j j HIDES PELTS j all to the bannet tannery where M 4 y 5 ou cau call got get ji tile the cash price for them 1 l and ie member that th t you can buy the best in ha I 1 y afi vegetable i chrome and vegetable leather S all lip patronize home industry il zwin i ZW wm pritchard Parow carowan parowan Pa rowan anUth utah I 1 a I 1 DOME BROTHERS BROTHER 5 I 1 commercial CAR 01 16 ti n f precisely the list you guold expect dodge bros to build substantial of ui appearance and and hall halfton half ton capacity M the byj gasoline consumption is unusually low the tire in mileage t ii unusually high fa wa klc Roode ei 1 cloeo I ter noida cr ina sedan or er coo coupe I 1 0 b detroit PAROWAN AUTO CO SEND IN THAT ORDER N aji N now ow f for or t the he lumber you wc want ant in the spring jl e lumber is all we sell but we sell the best ano f taj p native 8 tive lumber hereabout no order is is to small mall or too large laree se send id it in now L WALTER C Pw Pitr owan utah Q as J j eat meat 1 ml I I 1 but be ure sure it auf juf is properly slaughtered all 3 f mot co to in those these vb who work and and taken oil consel care q tj y I 1 it should be of the best beat meats ij MATHESON MEAT MARKET old by the N J our are fresh modern and ept in a sanitary condition at all 11 times the right ight temperature refrigerator or enami enables es us to rep meats at aj jj jj th the heat beat service ervice and courteous ire treatment adment at t ell 11 it times jj D A MATHESON Pro proprietor propriety r m 7 ssi l |