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Show Did It Ever Occur to You That, the question is asked by a number of boys who were over seas Who wants the Bonus? That any organization with an untruthful head cannot survive. That labor leaders seldom do break down from overwork. That there are a number of men who are not stuck on dishwashing. dish-washing. That an army airplane that can make the trip from Salt Lake to Reno in six hours is making some time. That Imitation is the sincer-est sincer-est Flattery. That the Klan in Ilerrin, 111., will have to dig down deep in their jeans to collect the necessary neces-sary $2,500,000 bonds for its indicted in-dicted members. That a man who can be purchased, pur-chased, can on occasions, be sold. That there is no short cut to success altho the road may be well oiled. That misery loves company, but sometimes a telephone conversation con-versation will do. That the Volunteer Fire Departments De-partments show their ability in practically every week. That Jack at 77 West second South Street, Salt Lake City, is the sole manufacturer of the "Wampus Cat" fishing flies,, Try some on your next fishing trip. That the earth may not be worth much by the time the meek inherit it. That any girl who will marry just to keep from being called an old maid, don't amount to much. That maybe what General Sherman really said was "War taxes are Hell." That it takes all kinds of people peo-ple to make a country and we sure have got them. That sometimes the best way out of a dangerous situation is to wake up. That they haven't involved the senate chaplain in the so-called so-called oil scandal, but there is a suspicion he prayed for some of the accused men. That altho the day may be gloomy one will stay have the hope that tomorrow will be a day of sunshine. That fat persons are said to be happy, because they have the bulge on slander people. That soft coal barons often times make it hard for the consumer. con-sumer. That the State Cafe hi 46 W. Broadway, Salt La!te City, has been entirely remodelled and is now one of the most-up-to-date places in the city wnere you can be assured of the choicest viands and unequalled service. It is operated op-erated also by a former Ling-hamite. Ling-hamite. That even bobbed hair beats a bald head in winter. That there are people who hold the key to the situation and are too lazy to turn it. That a bachelor is a human being who has not completed his education, so says Leonard Gust of the Bingham News Print Shop. Leonard would appreciate your order for any job of printing, print-ing, whether it is large or small. That Mr. McAdoo's services have been so valuable under many employers it would look like a finnacial sacrifice for him to accept a job like the presidency presi-dency of the United States. That its amazing how some people change their prohibition ideas in a few weeks after arriving ar-riving in Bingham. That wolves in snoops clothing are not wanted in our trap. |