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Show t The IBmotam News VOL.2 BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH, SATURDAY, MARCH 22, 1924 No. 47 i eluded 0. B. Dennison, executive secretary of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Association. They made the trip to Bingham over the Bing-ham and Garfield Railroad. One of the biggest dance suc-cesses of the season waiJ given by the Bingham EiKS m Canyon l Hall on St. Patrick's Night. The music was furnished by the Gib-son Girls of Salt Lake. Chips andShavings Around Bingham In Judge E. E. Dudley's court on Wednesday William Williams of Marker's Canyon was fined $200.00 for possession of liquor. Charles Pez, whose case appear-ed under the same head was ac-quitted, Attorneys Bowman and Mor-gan of Salt Lake City were in Bingham on Thursday confer-ring with Attorney A. C. Cole respecting some local legal mat-ters. Pupils from the Jordan Stake will give an entertainment in the L. D. S. Ward House here on Sunday next at 7:30 p. mi The entertainment will consist of vo-cal and instrumental selections and brief talks. The public are cordially invited to attend. The Sophmore class of the Bingham High School will give one of their popular dances at the Bingham High School Gym on Friday next, March 28th. The music will be furnished by Kin-ney Bros. Hawaiian Orchestra. The Jordan District Teachers Association met in the Sandy High School on Saturday last K. C. Tanner of the Bingham High School was appointed as President and Mrs. Edna Wade was selected to represent the Association in the house of del-egates of the Utah Educational Association. The Rev. Samuel Mitchell, the former pastor of the Grace Meth odist church of Salt Lake City arrived! in. Bingham the past week with his family and wUl as sume charge of the community church in place of the Kev. Eb-erha- rt who was compelled to leave Bingham on account of his throat trouble. The State Industrial Commis-sion have decided to award Mrs. Birdella Armstrong and. her daughter, Ileen, of Butte City, Montana, the sum of $4992.00 to be paid out at the rate of $16 per week. This money will be paid to Mrs Armstrong as a re-sult of Armstrong's death when he was accidentally killed at the Utah-Ape- x- Mine, October 16, 1923, altho Armstrong was mar-ried at Farmington a few weeks before the fatal disaster, the commission found out he was not divorced from his first wife, who resides at Butte City, Mon-tana. Funeral services for Leslie N. Nichols, who was killed at the Utah Copper on the 10th inst. were held from the Fillmore Ward Chapel on Thursday last The local post of the Fillmore American Legion took charge of the entire services and from be-ginning to end the services were, strictly military. He served in Company (C) of the 317 Field Signal Corps. The opening pray er was offered by Bishop Joseph Anderson and the benediction was pronounced by Alonzo Hunt man. T. C. Callister dedicated the grave. Appropriate music was furnished by the Fillmore joint ward choir. He is survived by his wife and baby, his par7 ents, two brothers and four sis-ters. Nute Gerard for a number of years a resident of Copperfield in the "good old days" was in camp on Wednesday meeting old-tim- e friends. Mayor J. Bernard, of'Salina, is visiting here with his son, Postmaster Boyd Barnard, the Mayor was at one time General Superintendent of the United States Mining Co. General Manager Cates of the Utah Copper company person-ally conducted a party to view the Utah Copper workings here on Tuesday last. The party numbered about thirty and in-- day. The little guests includ-ed Jule Thompson, Ruby Pezzo-pan- e, Dorothy Wells, Boyd Ner-di-n, Aline Burk, Elbert and Donna Rodgers, Alida Thompson Kate Klerease, Ralph Conole, Glen Hulbner, Ruby Anderson, Nona Ford, Bessie, June and Florence Robinson, Orson Wright, Mickey and Bobbie Buckman, Helen and Hazel Mor-ris and Clifford Nielsen. Lun-cheon was served and games played and prizes given. Mrs. Effie Barrows enter-tained at a turkey dinner Mon-day evening in the dining rooms of the D. S. department in the high school building. The oc-casion was the annual dinner given for our high school hoop-ster- s. Table, decorations were carried out in St. Patrick's de-sign. The place faces of the team found appointments for the coach "Tommy" McMullen, Adolph Chira, ' William Greathouse, James Siddoway, John Creeden, Walter Rimby, Harry Bodmer, Paul Allias, Rennold Viette and Joe Banchero. Mr. and Mrs. Lars W. Nielsen were guests of honor. The hostess was assist-ed by the Misses Dora Brady, Elva Johnson and Teckla Mar-tinse- n. Mrs. T. E. Sharp was a 'Salt Lake visitor Saturday. Mrs. Willam Robbins enter-tained Wednesday evening for her small daughter, Dorothy. Games were played and luncheon was served. The guests in-cluded Millie Steele, Thelma Hartman, Margurite Bolman, Lucile Miller, Maude Tunothy, Lloyd Baker, Barbara Buckman, Joana Baily, Alice Trebasco, Bessie Robbins, June Robbins and Mamie Robbins. Bingham Society Mrs. Howard Lee have been spending a pleasing vacation in Farmington with relatives and friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunkley, Jr. of Salt Lake City are rejoicing over the arrival of a 9 lb girl this week. Mrs. Dunkley was formerly Miss Zada Croy, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Croy are enjoying the event. Assembly Program given at the Bingham High School on Thurs day, Mrs. Edna Wade in charge. Opening Number, H. S. Orches-tra. Smiles and Styles of '23 By the Boys of Coppertonian Staff. I Violin Solo Frances Ball. Musical Comedian and Mon-key, Garth and Kendall Jones. Two Swedes from Ireland John Creedon and James Siddo-way. Boxing Bout in Four Rounds, Jas. Siddoway and WmJ Great-hous- e, Jno. Creedon, Referee. Wild Man and Beast, Prof. Green from Cork. Three in One Ivy Baker. - f - V ? it t ' I I .. f Si i 1 - --A J Sj i m and Rennold Viette. Mr. J. H. Barnard, Mayor of Salina, Utah, spent the forepart of the week with his son, Mr Boyd Barnard. Mr. Marshall Pease left for Butte, Montana, after spending three weeks in the camp. Miss Nellie Bryant who was operated on at the Straup Hos-pital is improving and was mov-ed to her home Saturday. Mrs. Earl Nepple was a Salt Lake visitor Monday. Miss Virginia Eberly went to Salt Lake Monday evening to at-tend the Chicago Grand Opera. Mrs. W. Moody, of Butlerville is visiting her son,, Mr. W. S. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones en-tertained at dinner Monday for Mrs. Moody of Butlerville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers drove to Salt Lake Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell have moved to Bingham to make their home. Mrs. James Nurdin, who has been seriously ill in St. Marks hospital is reported greatly im-proved. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scussel and Mrs. James Nurdin were Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jones Spent Sunday in American Fork. Mrs. Max Brisk was hostess to the Martha Chapter Sewing Circle, O. E. S., at her home in Carr Fork, Tuesday afternoon. The guests included Mrs. Louis Buckman, Mrs. W. H. Hull, Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. C. E. Adderly, Mrs. Will Thomas, Mrs. Obelsea, Miss Hammill, Miss Hall, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Mudge, Mrs. E. J. Jones and Mrs. W. C. McCarty. Luncheon was served Mrs. L. A. Brady and Mrs. J. H. Nix returned to camp Sun-day after spending the latter part of the week with relatives ' in Union. Mrs. Miles Hartman enter-- tained for her daughter, Thel-- i ma, Thursday afternoon at her home in Markham. The occa- - sion was Thelma's ninth birth- - SAMUEL MITCHELL NEW PASTOR ARRIVES The Rev. Samuel Mitchell who arrived here the past week to take charge of the Community Church was bom at Keighley, Yorkshire, England and came to this country some ten years ago He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1914 where for two years he of-ficiated under the Rock River Conference at Leon, 111. He then graduated from the Garrett Bib-lical Institute in 1918. (North Western University Campus, of Evanston, 111.) He held the past orates at Orland, 111., for two years and at Afton, Iowa, for 3 years. In January 1921 the Col-orado conference appointed Mr. Mitchell to occupy the pastors' chair of Heath Church at Salt Lake City and in September 1922 was given charge of Grace church at Salt Lake City which was built at a cost of $28,500.00 Mr. Mitchell extends a hearty welcome to attend his services here. News Notes yr From Lark Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Howard were the guests of Mrs. A. P. , Rasraussen, of Mid vale, who gave a paity this week in honor 1 of William Bills, who leaves in the near future on a mission. Mrs. Elmer Seal, of Riverton, spent Monday visiting here with her mother, Mrs. L. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Nell were Riverton visitors on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peterson announce the marriage of their daughter, Mr.ry, tJ Frank Maun, Salt Lake the past week. Miss Ruby Craves, of Sandy, ; . is the guest of her sister, Mrs. ' ? , Dewey Nelson. ' " Mrs. Jim Gutard, of Riverton, ,k was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. i Frank Nell, on Wednesday. Mrs. A. P. Hemming8en and ; daughter, Miss Martha Podgen spent Saturday and Sunday in Salt Lake City. Mrs. Atha Lee, of Bingham, , spent the week-en-d here with her mother, Mrs. A. J. Hatt. Mr. and Mrs. Doras Thomas were Salt Lake visitors this . week. Mr. and Mrs. E. Able have moved to Salt Lake and will .. . . make their home there. ' f i .v;''4l Mr. and Mrs. Alma Blum aW;' W tended a Salt Lake theatre Tues--A . day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Magee were Salt Lake visitors this week. Mrs. Clyde Richards and Miss Olive Perry visited in Bluffdale Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert White worn Mirlunlo vieitrtra Mnndov . evening. , O Mr. and Mrs. W. Welsh and . family of Riverton have moved to Lark and will make their fu-- D ture home here. Under the auspices of the L. D. S., church the Relief J3ociety- - s i" in connection gave their Annual Bazaar on Monday last. A large number of fancy goods were sold . in the afternoon and all kinds of refreshments were served. In the evening an apron and overall f dance proved a success. Mu&ics) was furnished by a Bingham . .. Orchestra. . A card party was given at the Club rooms on Tuesday evening. ' , 500 was played and prizes award . ed as follows; Firsts ; Mrs. Dell Nell and Sime Peterson, Second prizes; Mrs. Robert Myerhoffer and Scott Arnold. Ice cream and cake were served to thirty-fiv- e members by Mrs. VV. Callaway ' and Mrs. Elbert White. The Misses Virgie Nordberg and Venus Walker were two of Lark's charminor vounir ladies who took in the sights of Salt Lake on Saturday last The Boy Scout Basket-- Ball team of Lark tied horns with the Riverton Basket Ball Scout - ', , team on Friday with the result ' the Lark Boys won by a big score. Mrs. Bertha Oliver a former resident is now in the toils of the federal authorities for the violation of the prohibition law. Mrs. Oliver was arrested in Og-de- n on this charge after promis- - ing Judge C. R. Bradford of the3 Juvenile Court at Salt Lake city ' . fJ she would cease handling "the . ' juice that cheers" when she was ' "'' taken into custody at 254 South- - Fourth East at Salt Lake City on December 8th. - . . Bingham Miners Appoint Welfare Committee At a mass meeting held in Society Hall on Sunday k evening, which was presided over by Mayor F. E. Straup, a Welfare Association was organized, and a committee consisting of W. B. Hull, E. M. Gaythawite, ' John Strilich, J. B. Myers and N. C. Codell prepared the following resolution and handed- - to the chairman with the recommendation that a permanent working committee be appointed to carry on the acts and nego-- , tiations of the association. The Rev. Elmer I. Goshen in choice language, described some of the labor prob-lems of the day. The resolutions follow: "WHEREAS, The I. W. W. organization and its agitators have been planning and still are planning to cause a labor disturabnee in Bingham by pulling a "WHEREAS, We do not want a labor disturbance as a consequence of the evil designs of these 1. W. W. t , agitators, whose only object is to create trouble and unrest, destruction and blackmail, and interfere with , the orderly program of labor and industry; and "WHEREAS, We are opposed to the slogan of the I. W. W. and its agitators whereby they make demand after demand, backed by strikes, to cripple the indus-try and its labor, thereby making it impossible to op-erate and through such actions placing it under I. W. W. control ; and "WHEREAS, We know that as soon as the I. W. W. gains his point, namely, a strike, he walks else--' " where, while the working man who lives here is left to shoulder the responsibilities and burden and to face the music ; and "WHEREAS, we are at all times opposed to thes and such methods of the I. W. W. organization and its, ' agitators and know that no good can result from their actions for the welfare of labor and industry in this community; "NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, That every real working man and every citizen should be awake to the fact that no grievance or working condi-tion can be bettered or attained by the I. W. W. or-ganization and its agitators, but can only be met and attained by the mine welfare committees and by the support and the influence of those who have the wel-fare of the community at heart; and, : . : - "i""BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED, That we there- - for pledge our support to preserve and protect the right to work; to support the working man free from radicalism who will approach and meet conditions on the basis of negotiation instead of demands backed by strikes. "We recommend that this body be called and be named 'The Welfare Association of Bingham District.' FOR SALE ' ' ... THE EAGLE GROCERY AND . ROOMING HOUSE ' One of the best business prop-- ' , . ositions in the Camp. A chance ' of a life time to make money. ' Apply 'v ; - WILL JOHNSON Vienna Apartments Bingham Canyon, Utah Copperfield Brevities Mrs. Mary Butler and Mrs. P. Dougherty entertained the Good Time Club at their home here Saturday evening. Five hundred was enjoyed, the prize winners being as fol-lows: Ladies first, Mrs John Butler, consolation Mrs. Charles Pierce. Men's first, Charles Greathouse, consolation, Drew Stubbs. St. Patrick ideas were carried out in the decorations Tally cards and ices. Luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Pierce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. John Butler, Misses M. and A. Ander-son, Glendon Stubbs Charles ' ' Pierce, Sr., Drew . Stubbs and Charles Greathouse. Miss Margaret Anderson spent last week end visiting relatives in Salt Lake. Mrs. Joe McDonald and small Daughter left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Ventura, California. Mrs. Louise Johnson of Los Angeles spent last week end here visiting at the George P. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Summer-vill-e returned home Sunday after a weeks visit with rela-tives in Tooele. Mrs. Guy McNabb and small son, Kenneth, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Salt Lake. Messers Tom Kent, John Ford, and Will McNabb were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. They also visited the latter's brother, Guy McNabb, who is a patient at St. Mark's hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrne i motored to Salt Lake Wednesday evening and attended the thea-tre. Mrs. Will McNabb entertain-ed the Aid Society of the M. E. church at her home Friday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was spent in sewing, after which luncheon was serv- - ' ed to Mrs. Fred Drennan, Mrs. D. L. Kent, Mrs. Tom Kent, Mrs. Landon Ford, Mrs. Guy McNabb, Mrs. John Ford, Mrs. A. A. Cole, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. E. Crandall, Mrs. W. E. Scott and Mrs. Leatherwood. Friends of Mrs. Esa Bod-mer pleasantly surprised her at her home at the Telegraph, Sat-urday evening. The occasion being her birthday anniversary. Games and music were the fea-tures. Refreshments were serv-ed to twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. George P. John-son were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. Miss Ruby Knudsen and Miss Gertrude Colyar entertained the Nu I. Club at the home of the former here Wednesday evening. A short program was rendered, those contributing being the Misses Maxine Delaney, Maxine McNabb, Roma Isabella, Isabel Kirby and Gerald Mclntee. Mu-sic and dancing were also en-joyed. A delicious hot luncheon was served at midnight to Mrs. C. D. Able, Misses Alta Mil er, Mabel Naprud, Bessie Call, Li-l- as McColeman, Ncra Carey, Maud Welch, Annie Masters, Irene Connary, Edith Borg, La-vea- de Stokes and Agnes James. Miss Brittamart Gerrans of Salt Lake was a last week end guest of Misses Ruby and Ma-bel Knudsen. Mrs. . Wallace and Mrs. A. Whip returned home Sunday after a several days visit in ; Salt Lake. i- - . i Vanity. -- . I ",.. What render the vanity of than t noupportable la that it wound our ; . m. , ' CARD OF THANKS To the many friends who so kindly expressed their sympathy in flowers and kindly acts to me in the loss of my husdand, Mr Leslie S. Nichols, I desire to ex-press my deepest gratitude and appreciation. Mrs. Leslie S. Nichols, Fillmore, Utah. SHIPMENTS OF ORE FROM THE BINGHAM DISTRICT THIS WEEK United States Mining Co. 42 Carloads Utah-Ape- x Mining Co. 11 Carloads Bingham Mines Co. : 8 Carloads Ohio Copper Co. (Copper Precipates) . 3 Carloads Total : 64 Carloads ,i . |