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Show Bingham Miners Appoint Welfare Committee At a mass meeting held in Society Hall on Sunday k evening, which was presided over by Mayor F. E. Straup, a Welfare Association was organized, and a committee consisting of W. B. Hull, E. M. Gaythawite, ' John Strilich, J. B. Myers and N. C. Codell prepared the following resolution and handed- to the chairman with the recommendation that a permanent working committee be appointed to carry on the acts and nego-, nego-, tiations of the association. The Rev. Elmer I. Goshen in choice language, described some of the labor problems prob-lems of the day. The resolutions follow: "WHEREAS, The I. W. W. organization and its agitators have been planning and still are planning to cause a labor disturabnee in Bingham by pulling a "WHEREAS, We do not want a labor disturbance t as a consequence of the evil designs of these 1. W. W. , agitators, whose only object is to create trouble and unrest, destruction and blackmail, and interfere with , the orderly program of labor and industry; and "WHEREAS, We are opposed to the slogan of the I. W. W. and its agitators whereby they make demand after demand, backed by strikes, to cripple the industry indus-try and its labor, thereby making it impossible to operate op-erate and through such actions placing it under I. W. W. control ; and "WHEREAS, We know that as soon as the I. W. W. gains his point, namely, a strike, he walks else-' else-' " where, while the working man who lives here is left to shoulder the responsibilities and burden and to face the music ; and "WHEREAS, we are at all times opposed to thes and such methods of the I. W. W. organization and its, ' agitators and know that no good can result from their actions for the welfare of labor and industry in this community; "NOW THEREFOR, BE IT RESOLVED, That every real working man and every citizen should be awake to the fact that no grievance or working condition condi-tion can be bettered or attained by the I. W. W. organization or-ganization and its agitators, but can only be met and attained by the mine welfare committees and by the support and the influence of those who have the welfare wel-fare of the community at heart; and, : . : - "i""BE IT' FURTHER RESOLVED, That we there- for pledge our support to preserve and protect the right to work; to support the working man free from radicalism who will approach and meet conditions on the basis of negotiation instead of demands backed by strikes. "We recommend that this body be called and be named 'The Welfare Association of Bingham District.' FOR SALE ' ' ... THE EAGLE GROCERY AND . ROOMING HOUSE ' One of the best business prop- ' , . ositions in the Camp. A chance ' of a life time to make money. ' ; Apply - 'v 1 WILL JOHNSON Vienna Apartments Bingham Canyon, Utah |