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Show Copperfield Brevities Mrs. Mary Butler and Mrs. P. Dougherty entertained the Good Time Club at their home here Saturday evening. Five hundred was enjoyed, the prize winners being as follows: fol-lows: Ladies first, Mrs John Butler, consolation Mrs. Charles Pierce. Men's first, Charles Greathouse, consolation, Drew Stubbs. St. Patrick ideas were carried out in the decorations Tally cards and ices. Luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Pierce, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Miles McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. George McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. John Butler, Misses M. and A. Anderson, Ander-son, Glendon Stubbs Charles ' ' Pierce, Sr., Drew . Stubbs and Charles Greathouse. Miss Margaret Anderson spent last week end visiting relatives in Salt Lake. Mrs. Joe McDonald and small Daughter left Monday for an extended visit with relatives in Ventura, California. Mrs. Louise Johnson of Los Angeles spent last week end here visiting at the George P. Johnson home. Mr. and Mrs. W. Summer-ville Summer-ville returned home Sunday after a weeks visit with relatives rela-tives in Tooele. Mrs. Guy McNabb and small son, Kenneth, spent Wednesday and Thursday in Salt Lake. Messers Tom Kent, John Ford, and Will McNabb were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. They also visited the latter's brother, Guy McNabb, who is a patient at St. Mark's hospital. I Mr. and Mrs. Edward Byrne i motored to Salt Lake Wednesday evening and attended the theatre. thea-tre. Mrs. Will McNabb entertained entertain-ed the Aid Society of the M. E. church at her home Friday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was spent in sewing, after which luncheon was serv- ' ed to Mrs. Fred Drennan, Mrs. D. L. Kent, Mrs. Tom Kent, Mrs. Landon Ford, Mrs. Guy McNabb, Mrs. John Ford, Mrs. A. A. Cole, Mrs. W. Brown, Mrs. E. Crandall, Mrs. W. E. Scott and Mrs. Leatherwood. Friends of Mrs. Esa Bodmer Bod-mer pleasantly surprised her at her home at the Telegraph, Saturday Sat-urday evening. The occasion being her birthday anniversary. Games and music were the features. fea-tures. Refreshments were served serv-ed to twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnson John-son were Salt Lake visitors Tuesday. Miss Ruby Knudsen and Miss Gertrude Colyar entertained the Nu I. Club at the home of the former here Wednesday evening. A short program was rendered, those contributing being the Misses Maxine Delaney, Maxine McNabb, Roma Isabella, Isabel Kirby and Gerald Mclntee. Music Mu-sic and dancing were also enjoyed. en-joyed. A delicious hot luncheon was served at midnight to Mrs. C. D. Able, Misses Alta Mil er, Mabel Naprud, Bessie Call, Li-las Li-las McColeman, Ncra Carey, Maud Welch, Annie Masters, Irene Connary, Edith Borg, La-veade La-veade Stokes and Agnes James. Miss Brittamart Gerrans of Salt Lake was a last week end guest of Misses Ruby and Mabel Ma-bel Knudsen. Mrs. . Wallace and Mrs. A. Whip returned home Sunday , after a several days visit in ; Salt Lake. - |