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Show i eluded 0. B. Dennison, executive secretary of The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alumni Association. They made the trip to Bingham over the Bingham Bing-ham and Garfield Railroad. One of the biggest dance successes suc-cesses of the season waiJ given by the Bingham EiKS m Canyon l Hall on St. Patrick's Night. The music was furnished by the Gibson Gib-son Girls of Salt Lake. Chips and Shavings Around Bingham In Judge E. E. Dudley's court on Wednesday William Williams of Marker's Canyon was fined $200.00 for possession of liquor. Charles Pez, whose case appeared appear-ed under the same head was acquitted, ac-quitted, j Attorneys Bowman and Morgan Mor-gan of Salt Lake City were in Bingham on Thursday conferring confer-ring with Attorney A. C. Cole respecting some local legal matters. mat-ters. Pupils from the Jordan Stake will give an entertainment in the L. D. S. Ward House here on Sunday next at 7:30 p. mi The entertainment will consist of vocal vo-cal and instrumental selections and brief talks. The public are cordially invited to attend. The Sophmore class of the Bingham High School will give one of their popular dances at the Bingham High School Gym on Friday next, March 28th. The music will be furnished by Kinney Kin-ney Bros. Hawaiian Orchestra. The Jordan District Teachers Association met in the Sandy High School on Saturday last K. C. Tanner of the Bingham High School was appointed as President and Mrs. Edna Wade was selected to represent the Association in the house of delegates del-egates of the Utah Educational Association. The Rev. Samuel Mitchell, the former pastor of the Grace Meth odist church of Salt Lake City arrived! in. Bingham the past week with his family and wUl as sume charge of the community church in place of the Kev. Eb-erhart Eb-erhart who was compelled to leave Bingham on account of his throat trouble. The State Industrial Commission Commis-sion have decided to award Mrs. Birdella Armstrong and. her daughter, Ileen, of Butte City, Montana, the sum of $4992.00 to be paid out at the rate of $16 per week. This money will be paid to Mrs Armstrong as a result re-sult of Armstrong's death when he was accidentally killed at the Utah-Apex- Mine, October 16, 1923, altho Armstrong was married mar-ried at Farmington a few weeks before the fatal disaster, the commission found out he was not divorced from his first wife, who resides at Butte City, Montana. Mon-tana. Funeral services for Leslie N. Nichols, who was killed at the Utah Copper on the 10th inst. were held from the Fillmore Ward Chapel on Thursday last The local post of the Fillmore American Legion took charge of the entire services and from beginning be-ginning to end the services were, strictly military. He served in Company (C) of the 317 Field Signal Corps. The opening pray er was offered by Bishop Joseph Anderson and the benediction was pronounced by Alonzo Hunt man. T. C. Callister dedicated the grave. Appropriate music was furnished by the Fillmore joint ward choir. He is survived by his wife and baby, his par7 ents, two brothers and four sisters. sis-ters. Nute Gerard for a number of years a resident of Copperfield in the "good old days" was in camp on Wednesday meeting old-time friends. Mayor J. Bernard, of'Salina, is visiting here with his son, Postmaster Boyd Barnard, the Mayor was at one time General Superintendent of the United States Mining Co. General Manager Cates of the Utah Copper company personally person-ally conducted a party to view the Utah Copper workings here on Tuesday last. The party . numbered about thirty and in- |