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Show Rejuvenated Prominent retired merchant ays be feeU like new man line Tanlac relieved him of hit troubles. trou-bles. Can now outwalk men 20 year younger. Act w It. E. Boyd, 5000 Fourteenth St, K W., Washington, D. C, for forty-' forty-' eight years prominent hardware merchant mer-chant In the national capital, but now retired, lends bis name to further the cause of Tanlac. "Indigestion and stomach weakness of a very pronounced type had troubled me for several months prior to last October fifteenth," said Mr. Boyd, recently, re-cently, "but since that date the Tanlac treatment has made a new man of me. Now I ent heartily, never have a sign of indigestion, sleep like a log, and get up mornings feeling like an athlete. Today I can outwalk men twenty years younger. Tanlac alone put me In my present fine physical condition, enabling en-abling me to get more real pleasure than ever before out of meeting and mingling with friends. Tanlac has rejuvenated re-juvenated me completely, so to speak. It's the finest medicine I ever ran across." Tanlac Is for sale by all good druggists. drug-gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetable Pills. |