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Show WOMEN1 BEWARE! REFUSE IMITATIONS Warnlnfll Not All Package Dyi Are "Diamond Dyes." Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and .If you don't see the name "Diamond Dyes" on the package refuse It haud it back I Each 15-cent paekngc of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so pimple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings everything new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Itefuse substitutes I WOMEN QF MIDDLE AGE Read How Mrs. Walsh Wat Helped by Taking Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound Mannington, West Virginia. 'I toolt the Vegetable Compound when having V 1 years, I would get t? - J a little better, then " . ' I broke down again. i J - It would be hard for I- r 1 J me to describe how A-5 ill 1 waa for 1 wfts lit ' . IM perfect wreck. I I V il III auffered with a pain II.'V' lM in my left side, then " K M J j I would have numb ijj spells and I would ,.-i ,.-i ' I think 1 couldn't live. 1 would have hot flashes, then would come weak spells. I was so weak I would think I couldn't ever get a meal ready. My work was a burden to me. I waa not able to do my housework half ' of the time. A friend advised me to take Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound, and it has given me strength and health. The hot flashes left me and I got better of the numb spells. That summer I could do my housework and worked in the garden a good bit I tell all sick women what your wonderful medicine did for me, and will always recommend it I waa born in Marion County and still live in it I am known to all my neighbors, and you can publish pub-lish this statement because it is true. " Mrs. John W. Walsh, R. No. I, Box 26, Mannington, West Virginia. Cuticura for Pimply Facet, To remove pimples and blackheads smear them with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off in five minutes with Cuticura Cuti-cura Soap and hot water. Once clear keep your skin clear by using them for dally toilet purposes. Don't fall to Include In-clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement A Standard External Remedy of known value- safe and effective. It's "Allcock's" the original and genuine gen-uine porous plaster. Adv. fl Imitations may j I be dangerous A IMlri (rucJu JuvmJuy SAY "BAYER" when you buy-$0mfoe Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians 23 years for Colds Headache Neuralgia Lumbago Pain , Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism I . fjtfp Accept only "Bayer" package &PAlAiilAfZS which contains proven directions. . JlS' Handy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablet ' AUo bottles of 24 and 100 Druggist. ' Ajplrla tht trad mat of Bam lluaftctu of UmMoMlcteUaiter ( BillcrUcscM F0 "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER ANDBOWELS-IOc A BOX Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Rick Headache.Indlgestlon. Drug stores. Adv. Nothing Better for Constipation than one or two Brandreth Pills at bed time. They cleanse the system, purlfj the blood and keep you welL Adv. Children Cry for "Castoria" A Harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups No Narcotics! Mother! Fletcher's Castoria has Food; giving natural sleep without been In use for over 30 years to relieve opiates. The genuine bears signature oi babies and children of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; Immmml0 allaying Feverishness arising there- Sfjy t & from, nnd, by regulating the Stomach tZ7r -CCCCAit and Bowels, aids the assimilation of tTwo pleasant ways to relieve a cough fpM Take your choice and suit S?''"T your taste. S B or Menthol (Cy-v flavor. A sure relief for coughs, x'jff ''T colds and hoarseness. Put one yf'JJ f In your mouth at bedtime. ''t tSAoi Alw&yt keep m box on hand. maiuS SMITH BROTHERS &i C0PE0PS |