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Show day. The little guests included includ-ed Jule Thompson, Ruby Pezzo-pane, Pezzo-pane, Dorothy Wells, Boyd Ner-din, Ner-din, Aline Burk, Elbert and Donna Rodgers, Alida Thompson Kate Klerease, Ralph Conole, Glen Hulbner, Ruby Anderson, Nona Ford, Bessie, June and Florence Robinson, Orson Wright, Mickey and Bobbie Buckman, Helen and Hazel Morris Mor-ris and Clifford Nielsen. Luncheon Lun-cheon was served and games played and prizes given. Mrs. Effie Barrows entertained enter-tained at a turkey dinner Monday Mon-day evening in the dining rooms of the D. S. department in the high school building. The occasion oc-casion was the annual dinner given for our high school hoop-sters. hoop-sters. Table, decorations were carried out in St. Patrick's design. de-sign. The place cards-r-photo-graphic faces of the team found appointments for the coach "Tommy" McMullen, Adolph Chira, ' William Greathouse, James Siddoway, John Creeden, Walter Rimby, Harry Bodmer, Paul Allias, Rennold Viette and Joe Banchero. Mr. and Mrs. Lars W. Nielsen were guests of honor. The hostess was assisted assist-ed by the Misses Dora Brady, Elva Johnson and Teckla Mar-tinsen. Mar-tinsen. Mrs. T. E. Sharp was a 'Salt Lake visitor Saturday. Mrs. Willam Robbins entertained enter-tained Wednesday evening for her small daughter, Dorothy. Games were played and luncheon was served. The guests included in-cluded Millie Steele, Thelma Hartman, Margurite Bolman, Lucile Miller, Maude Tunothy, Lloyd Baker, Barbara Buckman, Joana Baily, Alice Trebasco, Bessie Robbins, June Robbins and Mamie Robbins. Bingham Society Mrs. Howard Lee have been spending a pleasing vacation in Farmington with relatives and friends the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunkley, Jr. of Salt Lake City are rejoicing over the arrival of a 9 lb girl this week. Mrs. Dunkley was formerly Miss Zada Croy, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Croy are enjoying the event. Assembly Program given at the Bingham High School on Thurs day, Mrs. Edna Wade in charge. Opening Number, H. S. Orchestra. Orches-tra. Smiles and Styles of '23 By the Boys of Coppertonian Staff. I Violin Solo Frances Ball. Musical Comedian and Monkey, Mon-key, Garth and Kendall Jones. Two Swedes from Ireland John Creedon and James Siddoway. Siddo-way. Boxing Bout in Four Rounds, Jas. Siddoway and WmJ Great-house, Great-house, Jno. Creedon, Referee. Wild Man and Beast, Prof. Green from Cork. Three in One Ivy Baker. - f - V ? it t ' I I .. f Si -i 1 - -A J Sj i m and Rennold Viette. Mr. J. H. Barnard, Mayor of Salina, Utah, spent the forepart of the week with his son, Mr Boyd Barnard. Mr. Marshall Pease left for Butte, Montana, after spending three weeks in the camp. Miss Nellie Bryant who was operated on at the Straup Hospital Hos-pital is improving and was moved mov-ed to her home Saturday. Mrs. Earl Nepple was a Salt Lake visitor Monday. Miss Virginia Eberly went to Salt Lake Monday evening to attend at-tend the Chicago Grand Opera. Mrs. W. Moody, of Butlerville is visiting her son,, Mr. W. S. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jones entertained en-tertained at dinner Monday for Mrs. Moody of Butlerville. Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers drove to Salt Lake Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Mitchell have moved to Bingham to make their home. Mrs. James Nurdin, who has been seriously ill in St. Marks hospital is reported greatly improved. im-proved. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scussel and Mrs. James Nurdin were Salt Lake visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jones Spent Sunday in American Fork. Mrs. Max Brisk was hostess to the Martha Chapter Sewing Circle, O. E. S., at her home in Carr Fork, Tuesday afternoon. The guests included Mrs. Louis Buckman, Mrs. W. H. Hull, Mrs. John Robertson, Mrs. C. E. Adderly, Mrs. Will Thomas, Mrs. Obelsea, Miss Hammill, Miss Hall, Mrs. Kemp, Mrs. Mudge, Mrs. E. J. Jones and Mrs. W. C. McCarty. Luncheon was served Mrs. L. A. Brady and Mrs. J. H. Nix returned to camp Sunday Sun-day after spending the latter part of the week with relatives ' in Union. Mrs. Miles Hartman enter- tained for her daughter, Thel-i Thel-i ma, Thursday afternoon at her home in Markham. The occa- sion was Thelma's ninth birth- SAMUEL MITCHELL NEW PASTOR ARRIVES The Rev. Samuel Mitchell who arrived here the past week to take charge of the Community Church was bom at Keighley, Yorkshire, England and came to this country some ten years ago He entered the ministry of the Methodist Episcopal church in 1914 where for two years he officiated of-ficiated under the Rock River Conference at Leon, 111. He then graduated from the Garrett Biblical Bib-lical Institute in 1918. (North Western University Campus, of Evanston, 111.) He held the past orates at Orland, 111., for two years and at Afton, Iowa, for 3 years. In January 1921 the Colorado Col-orado conference appointed Mr. Mitchell to occupy the pastors' chair of Heath Church at Salt Lake City and in September 1922 was given charge of Grace church at Salt Lake City which was built at a cost of $28,500.00 Mr. Mitchell extends a hearty welcome to attend his services here. |