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Show . When You Open the y Season be sure your equipment is the best. Western Arms & Sporting Goods Co. 115 South Main St. SALT LAKE CITY OUTFITTERS OF REAL SPORTSMEN NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION MEMBER No. 1855 WE JfeV. WE FIT ' V MAKE THE Al !ki ALL HARD "Al 1 JA STYLES TO FIT W L i ilfilf Are You the Fellow Who Wants A Snappy Suit for Easter? How's this for a sassy little model for EASTER? It's quite the thing for Spring. If you are interested in good clothes if you want brand nev style ideas if you appreciate reliable all- wool woolens- -drop around and we'll convince you of our ability to tailor clothes that satisfy. Hand Tailored To Your Measure $30.00 to $57.50 Dundee Woolen Mills 213 South Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah Stores From Coast to Coast STATE CAFE ENTIRELY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT Where a Binghamite can enjoy a REAL MEAL In Salt Lake City at 46 West Broadway A. PISTOLAS, Proprietor Feci and Look Well snStrong S0LD BY If you don't "feel like yourself." if you are weak, drowsy, tired or lack- tng in vital energy, you need a good I tonic and regulator to put your sys- Y V O T"Y"1 TT"I tem in natural condition. You can kVlll ClXllllJL soon regain your old spirits with W 3gI0Q Johnson P , The Great General Tonic Compounded from pure inRredi. itkt-itt a m n k XTir-vxr Tim n t which rFR,ii.-.te the bowei. BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH kidneyt and livft, put iet into the appetite, iteady the nerve i "St.w am' have a utrenKtlieninR effect '"ixJ.'' Qn ,he bodily tisue. Try a bottle today. "Regular $1 .50 Size. Full 1 6 oz. Big Clean-Up Easter Sale to Be Wholesaled to the Consumer Shaving Outfits, Soaps, Creams, Razors, Strops Fobs, Watches, Chains, Pearl Beads, Indian Beads, Harmonicas Harmon-icas (36 models) Crucifixes, Religious Pictures, Mah-Jongg Mah-Jongg Sets, Novelty Electric Lamps, Indian Moccasins, Mocca-sins, Mens and Ladies, Kewpie Dolls, Leather Goods of every description, Manicure Sets, Beacon Blankets, Navajo Rugs, Theatrical and Magical Goods for all kinds of show purposes. Dice, Dice Boxes and Playing CARDS. COME IN AND GIVE US A CALL t Moab Navajo Rug and Blanket Co. 141 Regent Street SALT LAKE CITY JW j DOESN'T LOOK IT J You can't always judge a '&vY- - J' I l bv ts cover and you may think that coal is clean and ?K"y-Qy t Vt without dust or slag when yo .ivyf- if- Vj buy it but the burning tells ivJ''7SmTlL M the tale. Our high grade Liber- !S'i&iJ UfM ty or Utah Fuel coal is well I IT'IW screened and cleaned, and burni with a brightness and heat that V LrJ( -K W. wiH cook and heat wnen want- fenS-- ed when you buy lt at the Citi Citizen's Coal and Supply Co. Phone 39 Bingham, Utah WANTED A house-keeping job or work of any kind where woman can keep a nine year old son. Apply at this Office. Brimg Joy to YmRWashdajs The AutoMatic launders perfectly the finest and laciest linens as well as the big, heavy pieces of I the family wash. It's a joy to have electricity do the family wash ! a joy to hang up your snow-white linens a real a joy, too, when you "come to the end of a perfect f washday" to see that your hands are soft, hite l and unharmed. 1 I Special Terms For MARCH Only ! $1 Down and $5 a Month j Supplied with copper or wooden tub as desired. There are 15,000 women in the territory served by this company who use and praise the Auto- 3 Malic electric washer. I r..j m& I flipTAH POWER, l rt S? LIGHT CO. EfficUnrPublic Service 4 Bingham and Garfield Railway Company Operates through PackAge Car Service, in connection with the Union Pacific system between Salt Lake City and Bingham. For convenience of its patrons heated refrigerator refriger-ator cars are operated in this service, semi-weekly, for the protection of perishable freight when weather conditions warrant. II. W. STOUTENBOROUGH, A. W. MALY, Asst. Gen. Freight Agent, Agent Salt Lake City, Utah Bingham, Utah |