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Show PRINCE LEAHNS I NEWER ART British Heir Initiated Into Complexities by Visit to London Times LONDON. Feb. 2. The Prlnco of Wales has just been initiated Into the complexities of modern newspaper production pro-duction by visiting the offices of the Time, and following a piece of copy from an editor's desk through the composing, com-posing, proof-reading nnu stereotyping stereotyp-ing rooms. Then he pressed the starting start-ing button of a mammoth octuple press and saw the article reproduced in print. The first folded paper which came from the roaring machine was handed the royal visitor, who smiled a3 he saw on the front pago a picture of himself, with a caption stating that he had started the machinery which had printed it. pires .i i en ions. Throughout his inspection of the many departments of the great .newspaper .news-paper office, ihe prince kept up a rapid-fire of questions which showed his keen Interest In tho aro of news-pcr-maklng. The difference between various i kinds of automatic typesetting machines, ma-chines, tho amount of time saved by their substitution for the old hand-setting hand-setting method, why cylindrical moulds of the original type forms are placed on tho presses Instead of tho flat chases of type themselves, the spread of tho presses and tho length of a roll of newsprint paper were among the points on Which the prince was in rlous. DROPS BOG Blil He marveled at the ability of tho "make-up" men to r. ad typo upside down and failed to recognize a three-. three-. olumn "CUt" of himself in tho form ho was endeavoring to read. In the composing room he picked up a slug Of type M it came from a monotype machine, but found it loo hot to hold. John Walter, chairman of the Times and VVi( Khanl Stead, editor, served an guides to tho prince Tho directors of the newspaper, several departmental heads and a small number of visitors .invited for the occasion, were presented present-ed tp him With each he chatted a short time, discussing individual avocations, avo-cations, business, sport and travel, in bis usual almpliCty of manner. The prlnci li the second heir to the throne to visit Printing House Square. In lStiJ. the late King Edward, then Prince Of Wales, made a similar inspection in-spection of the Times plant. |