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Show TELLS HI TO HUNT BUFFALO Corinne Resident. Associate of Buffalo Bill, Reveals Early Day Secret I Buffalo hunting on Antelope Island has brought forth considerable com-ImeLn com-ImeLn since the hunt on thf Island tflM I first mentioned. Articles by men who j participated In the hunt were written, and hardships of buffalo hunting was (graphically described. Probably the contribution of Henr C. House of Corinne, I'tah, veteran buffalo hunter, and pony expressman Who rode the plains with Buffalo BUI. I will assist novices in event opportunity opportuni-ty for staging another buffnlo hunt occurs. Mr. House's letter regarding methods I followed by Indians In hunting monorchia mon-orchia of the plains, is a follows: "Since reading about killing the buffalo buf-falo on Antelope Island. I am reminded remind-ed of some of my experiences of sixty-three sixty-three years ugo down on the plains when riding the Pony Express with William I'ndy. but more famlllarl known as Buffalo Bill. T was Indeed a happy boy when they finally put on the Overland six-mile coaches, for it was much more pleasant to sit up in that Old Boot and hold th lines than to ride In the saddle for 65 miles every' day. J "1 noticed In the Slandard-Kxamln-ler that they aro having a hard time of it killlnc 'he buffalo on Antelope island. I only wish that I could call jback the days when Buffalo Bill and II used to kill the Wjld animals on th-I th-I plains Just for the sporl of the thing, jbut buffalo were so plentiful then. Lit-ItlS Lit-ItlS did we think the time would ever come w-hen they would be wiped out except for a few herds here and there. This talk about having to shoot them six or seven times to kill them Is because be-cause the hunteri do not know where and how to shoot them. This was rny difficulty until an Indian Interpreter half breed Indian aud Mexican showed wo how to kill them without any difficult) while riding In tho saddle. sad-dle. The Indian told me to ride straight behind the buffalo until I would get 1 lose up and then suddenly turn my horse to one side and shoot in front Of the hip bone In that large hollow place. The bullet would range to-I to-I wards the animal's lights, the blood Iwill gush out of the nostrils and he Is .soon exhausted. ..When you are riding up "by th side of the buffalo, shooting shoot-ing him In that manner you will have to shoot him several times ' ge' re- .suits YOU JUBt as e shoot at s stone ..,n 1 ,1 , slits d " |