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Show wf Ouchi Lame Back ro-k 1 K R'Ub Back;ld-e. Lumbago, Soreness and CljLlti Bf!d'ttllnE dd.'.,! Mfr- tlc-!7?nv' 'l hat's I Rj jou-ii c,";1:1" 1 f J " " .111 - sgpl 1 ''ll.l. doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Limber up! Don't suffer. Get u small trial bottle from any drug s'tOP , and after using it Jusl oneo, you'll forget for-get that you ever had backache, lumbago lum-bago or sciatica, because your back will never hurt or muse any more misery. It neve r dis.ippointyind has been . , .1,), ud3 f"r 1 " ' 1 AdV. MSI CASES OF RHEUMATISM NOW Says We Must Keep Feet Dry. Avoid Exposure and East Less Meat Stav off the clamp ground, avoid ex-l posui'e. k-ei teet dry. eat less meat, drink lots of water and shove all take) a spoonful of salts occasionally toj keep down uric acid. Rheumatism Is caused by poisonous toxin, called uric aoid, which is gene-ratcel gene-ratcel in the bowels and absorbed Into the blood. It Is the function of tin kidinys to filter ihl;- add from the blood ami cast It out In the urine The pores of the skln.are also a means e.f freeing the blood of this Impurity. In damp and chill y, cold weather the skin pores are closed, thus forcing tho kidneys kid-neys to do double woik. th. become weak and slufigl-h and tall to eliminate this uric acid which keeps accumulating accumulat-ing and circulating through the system, sys-tem, sventuslly settling In the Joints ami muscles causing stiffness, soreness and puin called rheumatism. At the first twinge of rheumatism gel frqm any pharmacy about four ounces of Jael elts; i)ut a tablespoon-ful tablespoon-ful in n glas of water nud drink be-fore be-fore breakfast each morning for a week This is said to eliminate uric acid by si linuluting the kidneys to normal nor-mal action, thus ridding the Mood of these impurities. Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and Is made irom the acid Of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lillni and 's used with ezcsilenl result by th.oisjimU of folks who are subject to rheumatism. Advertisement, FORDS RUN 34 MILES ON GALLON GASOLINE vcirt i-jiv iii Coldcel weaih.r other are Show Proportionate Sa v Inc. A new c-arbuietor Which cuts down gasoline consumption of any motor and reduces gasoline bills from one-third one-third to one-half is the pi end achieve- Bt of the Air-Friction Carburetor Co.. 733 Madison St., Dayton, Ohio. This remarkable invention not only increases in-creases the power of all motors from ::u lo U per cent, hut enables every one to run slow on high gear. It also makes It easy to start a Ford or any other ear In the coldest weather. !ToU ean lire the very cheapest grade of gasoline or half gasoline and half kerosene and still get more power and more mileage than you now get liom the highest test gasoline Many Ford owners say they now get as high as 4R to Ml miles to a gallon of gasoline. gaso-line. So sure are the manufacturers of the immense saving their new carburetor car-buretor will miku thnt they offer to send U on 30 days' trial to every car eiwncr As it can be put on or taken off in a few minuted by anyone-, all readers of this paper who want to try tt should send their name address ad-dress and make of car to the manufacturers manu-facturers at once. They, also want local agents, to whom they lffer exceptionally ex-ceptionally large profits. Write them todaj . Advertisement, TO Dltll HI I APPLY SAGE TEA I Look Young! Bring Back Its I Natural Color, Gloss and Attractiveness Common garden sage brewed into a heavj with sulphur added, will i urn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully elark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revela-Hon revela-Hon it your hair Is fading, streaked or gray Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul-phur Sul-phur recipe at home, though, is trou-blesonie. trou-blesonie. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store, all ready for use This Is the old fashioned reelpe improved by the addition of "I other ingredients. , 1 H While wispy, gray, laded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive ne?s. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sac, and Sulphur Compound. I no one ran tell, because it does it so I naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and ; draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morn- ing all gray hairs have disappeared, and after another application or two sour hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. Advertise i H iment. H SULPHUR CLEARS I ROUGH. RED SHIN I Face, Neck and Arms Easily Made Smooth, Says Specialist. H Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, can be quickly overcome by applying a little Mentho- Sulphur, iled ares a noted skin special-1st special-1st Because of its' green destroying ' propertie4( this sulphur preptratlon , begins at once to soothe irritated skin ! and he.,1 eruptions such as. rash, pirn- and ring worm. I 'LibbbbI It seldom falls to remove the tor- , if Lmenl and disfigurement, and you do jnd't have 1o Walt for relief from em-I em-I barrasemept. improvement quickly ffH shows. Sufferers from skin trouble should obtain a small Jar of Mentho-'S'Ulphur Mentho-'S'Ulphur from any good druggist and I use it like cold cream. t f -PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH bbH Tells How to Open Clogged Nos. trils and End Head-Cclds. You feel fine in a few moment.. Y'our cold in head or catarrh will be pone. Your clogged nostrils will open. Tlu- air passages of your head will iH lear and you cun breathe freely. No k j more dullness, headache; no hawking. jjH snaffling, mucous discharges or dry- H neds; no struggling for breath ut might. . Tell your druggist you want a small J j bottle of Ely's Cream Ralm. Apply a j little of this fragrsnt, antiseptic cream in your nostrils, let it penetrat-e 'through every air passage of the bead. ! soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed k ! mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. tH It Is just what every cold und ca- JJ I torrh sufferer needs. Donntay sluft- ill ji d-up and miserable. Advertisement. i Cocoanut Oil Fine For Washing Hair If you want to keep your hair in I good condition, be careful what you fH WOSh with. Most soaps and prepared shampoos (contalu too much alkali. This dries IH tin aealp, makes the hair brittle, and '! is yery harmful. ulaifted cocoanut lM oil shampoo which Is pure and en- tirely greaoeless), is much better than anything else you can use for sham- H i Ing. as this can't possibly injure the Simply moisten your hair with wa- JH ter ami rub it In. one or two tea- H 'spoonsful of Mulslfled will make an jH abundance of rich, creamy lather, and 'H 'cleanses the hair and se-alp thorouKh- iH ly. The lather rinses out easily, and H removes every particle of dust. dirt. JH dandruff and excessive oil. The hair ir ulrlcs ulcklv and evenly: and ll leaves It fine and silky, bright, fluffy and H easy to manage- You can g.-t Mulslfied cocoanut oil si. mu at most lriig store. It is verv cheap, and a few ounces is al .enough to last everyone in the family for months. Be sure your druggist gives you Mul Lfl fl.- v.iv .a 1 1st ment Dandruff Surely Destroys The Hair Girls If j ou w ant plentj of thick, - I beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid 01 dandruffi for it win your hair and ruin it if you JJH 1 1 due n't do much good to try t ; ,hiush or wash it out. The only sure H to get rid of elaiidruff is to die-'von.- then destroy it entirely- fJI Jto do this, get about four ounces of B ordinary liquid arvon: apply it at i JH I night when retiring, use enough to : moisten the sc.il' end rub it In gently 'i With the finger tips. By morning, most. If not all, of your JJH dandruff will be gone, and three or IH mo:.- applications will complete-jli complete-jli dissolve and entirely destroy ev-en ev-en -angle sign and trace of it. Von will find. too. that all itching and .licim; 01 the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hun-ilred hun-ilred times bi tter. Jfou can get liquid . i any ilrm,' store. It Is Inex- abI pensive and four ounce Is all ou will r . m eii no matt.-i how much dandruff , v..,, have This simple remedy never falls Advertisement. ' H jMH rtllod in F j I y Erh cr- IHJr nm v 1 mD J)tlf4rofcountTeil |