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Show HORRORS OF & WARFARE BARED ' House Insists on Giving Funds to DevelojD Poison Gas Uses WASHINGTON. Feb. 5. Horrors of warfare wow pictured today in the lit'iise by luembcrs opposed to an appropriation ap-propriation of $1,500,000 for tho chemical chem-ical warfare eferxlceVof the.arhiy. An amendment by rtepresentu' r. Montague. Mon-tague. Leruocrit, 'irfinla. to cut the amount to Jl ihio. hower. w - voted down neajly t to l and th-amount th-amount Carried In the army bill remained re-mained unchanged. (. s I SE t (ihl MM. i) Declaring that the use of gas "de-fros "de-fros tbr- Inst vestige of riviWMd wur-fare," wur-fare," Mr. Montagu- HHiO h "world wa Imrrified when the Germans began be-gan to use gas, but that natlonsWhich deplored Its us most, wc-ro now' c 1 1 -ducting experiments to make It sUII more deadly. " Representative Sisson. Democrat, M IsMwipp, favoring the $1.500.00i Je-clared Je-clared he though the I'nltcd States should make war so frightful that at enemy nation would regret ever havlnK tackled L'nclo Sam." D M il 1 BL'IiliETS. "If we ever get into another war.' he declared. "I want th.- United States soldier to kill as many of the enernv uj quickly as possible with the smallest small-est possible loss of life to themselves." "How about dum-dum bullets'" he was asked. I don't see muh difference bc-Lireen bc-Lireen shooting njan with pplMDOUfl bullets and killing him with ones not poisoned." was Mr. Slsson's reply. Debate on the army bill closed to-day. to-day. The vote probably will not come before Tuesday. OO |